Summary: I made this release last year but I did a template edit to accomplish this (god knows how i missed a full css solution) but this version is fully css and results in no templates needing to be edited. What this edit does his removes the "latest" prefix in lastpost area and adds an icon in it's place. I find this to be a space saver so posting it so that others may want to save some space.
Edit: It seems I didn't miss anthing a span class was added in XF 1.2 thus allowed me to hide this without needing to go into the template. This enhancement is for 1.2 and above.
Install: upload the image to your /icons folder and paste the following in your EXTRA.CSS template.
.node .nodeLastPost .lastThreadTitle:before {
content: "";
background: url("@imagePath/xenforo/icons/latestpost-icon.png") no-repeat center transparent;
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
padding-left: 12px; }
.node .nodeLastPost .lastThreadTitle span {display: none;}