Recent content by PET

  1. PET

    XF 1.3 Safe to empty the xf_error_log table?

    Hello guys! I have to move a forum from one server to another. Nothing special... however I noticed that the xf_error_log is 2.7 GB !!!! How safe is to empty this table? Thanks P.S. I know this might be a stupid question, but I'm a bit paranoid when I have to handle big databases that...
  2. PET

    Ad Manager [Paid] [Deleted]

    :cry::cry: no updates anymore? :cry::cry:
  3. PET

    Converter for vBulletin 5?

    Is there a way to convert from vB5 to XenForo? Please also stop being smart asses by doing posts like the ones above. There are people who actually have big problems and are waiting for solutions.
  4. PET

    XF 1.2 Hearthstone Custom BBCode

    Did anyone made an addon like that? It might be useful and not only for my purpose.
  5. PET

    XF 1.2 View user posts from user edit in admin cp

    Basically I get spam only users. All their posts are spam so I simply want to ban them & hard delete ALL their posts. I didn't found a way to easily do that. I go to the user, I can ban him but then what? If I spam clean his posts they will be soft deleted which I don't want because they are...
  6. PET

    XF 1.2 Hearthstone Custom BBCode

    Hmm... I could go over the items. I'm only interested in Hearthstone and there are only about 300 cards.
  7. PET

    XF 1.2 Hearthstone Custom BBCode

    Interesting. But what if I write the name of the card without providing any link. Will that be converted automatically as well? That's something that I would really want.
  8. PET

    XF 1.2 Hearthstone Custom BBCode

    Anyone please? I have no idea how to implement this custom BBCode or how to make this automatically. I can give you a virtual beer.
  9. PET

    XF 1.2 View user posts from user edit in admin cp

    No faster & easier way to see a user posts with some checkboxes to select & hard delete? Why is XenForo Soft Deleting whenever I want to use the spam filter? Basically I'm not using the spam filter at all because of it :(
  10. PET

    XF 1.2 View user posts from user edit in admin cp

    Yea. I thought I can do it from backend. I can see all their posts in the profile but there is no checkbox to select posts that I want to delete. Also, is it possible that when you use spam cleaner for the topics to be HARD delete and not soft? I don't see a point to keep something in the...
  11. PET

    XF 1.2 View user posts from user edit in admin cp

    Hello, So I just banned a user. I'm at his profile in admin cp and I want to view his posts and delete all or some of them. How can I view all his posts in a nice manner where I can select what posts I want in order to delete them? Thank You
  12. PET

    XF 1.2 Hearthstone Custom BBCode

    Hey guys, I need a help with something. Have a look here: As you can see there is that Goblin link, when you hover you see an image with the card. I want a custom bb code on my XenForo that will be able to do that. As you can see all you have to do...
  13. PET

    [ModernTank] Fake Online User [Paid] [Deleted]

    Stupid question. How do I download the latest version? Thanks
  14. PET

    Xen Notices [Deleted]

    Stupid question. How do I download the new version? I have 1.6.1 installed and I see 1.6.2 is out. No idea how to get the new version :(
  15. PET

    sonnb - Stop Spam Here [Deleted]

    Fixed. I had this in the registration check: I wanted to do a check if users have ! # * [ on their usernames.
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