Not a bug ZipArchive is required install/upgrade from archive, but server environment report does not list it


Well-known member
Affected version
From a support perspective, the 'install/upgrade from archive' has requirements that it doesn't check and can result in unexpected errors.

Clicking on ' install/upgrade from archive' gives;
Installing from archives must be explicitly enabled by adding the following line to

src/config.php:$config['enableAddOnArchiveInstaller'] = true;

Various directories must be writable by the web server user to install from an archive and this may be considered to be insecure in some hosting environments. Your server must also have ZipArchive support in PHP.

It does not check that ZipArchive is actually enabled, and nor does the server environment report list it.
It does not check that ZipArchive is actually enabled
Actually, it does. It's one of the first things that happens in actionInstallFromArchive() via canInstallFromArchive() in the AddOn repo.

Although we could list it in the server environment report, we decided not to as it may not be relevant to everyone, and you become aware of the requirement when attempting to use the feature anyway.

Even if that wasn't a conscious decision, that would hardly be considered as a bug.

EDIT: We've added the ZipArchive indication in the server environment report now regardless.
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Actually, it does. It's one of the first things that happens in actionInstallFromArchive() via canInstallFromArchive() in the AddOn repo.

Although we could list it in the server environment report, we decided not to as it may not be relevant to everyone, and you become aware of the requirement when attempting to use the feature anyway.

Even if that wasn't a conscious decision, that would hardly be considered as a bug.

EDIT: We've added the ZipArchive indication in the server environment report now regardless.

The upgrade page should provide more useful information about the php ziparchive not being installed. Right now it's a very generic error message non-tech savvy users won't know what to do with.

Oops! We ran into some problems.

The following issue was found when determining if a one-click upgrade is possible: ZipArchive class does not exist.
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