Your heritage?


No surprise with my DNA. More or less what was expected.
My Grandmother on my Mother's side was French Canadian, my Grandfather was Irish and my Mother was born in South Wales.

My Grandmother on my Father's side was Northumbrian, my Grandfather was Cornish and my Father was born in Northumbria.

I traced some of my roots back to William Wallace who is a distant relation, my Father's middle name was Wallace. Going back to where I found the William Wallace connection my distant relations were Border Reivers, which loosely translated means cattle thieves lol.

I also have Norwegian, German and French blood in me where it was mixed throughout the centuries. I guess that makes me a Heinz 57 variety :)
I'm 80% East Texas Redneck with 20% of Louisiana coon-ass thrown in for good measure.

Actually I've never had one of the DNA tests done, but I know that I have Germanic genes, especially when you consider that my grandmothers maiden name was Schnorr and her parents were immigrants from Germany in the late 1800's.
Take a guess.

On my father's Scottish (with some Irish) side, I was the first of the family born in the USA. My mother's side is all German, and I was the first of the second generation born in the USA.

All elements heavier than lithium were made inside stars, so in the biochemical sense we all are all descended from "star stuff", as Carl Sagan would say. But how and why and when are still all open to question.
I'm also up in Irish and Scottish too. That would explain my feistiness but doesn't explain my distaste for almost all alcohol. LOL I do like expensive Champagne occasionally but every else tastes like gasoline to me. LOL
I am of primarily UK descent. Lots of English, some Welsh (I actually bear a Welsh surname), a smidgen of Scots. And then there's a French-Canadian a few generations back on my Mum's side, which of course means there's a bit of French kicking around, too. My brother the family's current genealogist has, I believe, found some traces of Irish, too, but I forget the details.

My son has a more interesting family tree since I married a Chinese woman, so he's Anglo-Canadian on one side and Chinese on the other. And his partner is Pakistani so my grands (should there be some) could have an even more interesting one.
If your post is correct, shouldn't you update your avatar? :unsure:
I am not so certain the DNA tests offered remotely can really be trusted 100%. They might get a few things right, but I have my doubts about the rest.

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