Your heritage?

Dixie McCall

Well-known member
So I thought it would be fun to learn about Member heritage.

I'm Welsh ( A LOT) although it seems to be a tough language to learn. :oops:
Middle Eastern

@Brogan .. both.. Maternal GG parents were from both areas. It seems as though a lot of the N and S language is similar but they have changed the letters around a lot and that is what makes it harder for me to remember. LOL I am probably at least 45% Welsh if the DNA calculations are correct.
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Senegal and Argentina sound nice right about now. How are the Covid restrictions?
When I arrived back in April there was quite some stuff I had to do to get into the country. They were officially closed but with some special papers and authorization I could get in (proof of relationship etc).

Back then there were less restrictions than in Netherlands. Bars and restaurants etc were open, and then they had to change into take away only for just 2 weeks… kind of a rollercoaster with restrictions during that time but it was not that bad.

Right now everything seems normal, just a face mask outside and inside places but everything else is normal. People do wear there mask, but mostly underneath their nose. Last week it was around 38 degrees (spring just started), and I many people didn’t wear their mask. I tried to keep on wearing it but at some point when there are not that many people I just.. took it off. Can’t wear it with such hot weather! (Imagine during summer, will be around 47 degrees or so). But I wear it most of the times, except when it’s that hot and there are not that many people around.

In Buenos Aires you don’t need a mask anymore, but in some other provinces (like Córdoba, where I am) they still decided to keep the protocol.

Most people are vaccinated here with AstraZeneca, Moderna, Sinopharm and Sputnik. So they’re doing great.

Life feels normal again, very happy about that. Might travel to Netherlands somewhere in January to visit family again.
Well according to another DNA testing site, I'm also West African and Scandinavian. Alrighty then... LOL I know where the previous heritage comes from but not quite sure about these two. LOL
Residing in west africa i can try to find one of your ancestors.
More seriously, all having a common ancestor, at least for those who believe in the theory of evolution we are probably very, very distant cousins. So welcome to the family, Dixie!
Oh and here's the biggest kicker, apparently my ex had a son he gave up for adoption before I came into the picture, so my daughter has an older brother. Lovely eh? Life is so strange at times. Be prepared if you take a DNA test. 🤪 LOL
No no @Brogan !! Too late, i saw it !

I am of primarily UK descent. Lots of English, some Welsh (I actually bear a Welsh surname), a smidgen of Scots. And then there's a French-Canadian a few generations back on my Mum's side, which of course means there's a bit of French kicking around, too. My brother the family's current genealogist has, I believe, found some traces of Irish, too, but I forget the details.

My son has a more interesting family tree since I married a Chinese woman, so he's Anglo-Canadian on one side and Chinese on the other. And his partner is Pakistani so my grands (should there be some) could have an even more interesting one.
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