Yay, XF is back up again..

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Hmm I just got a notification that Adam just replied to this thread but his post has been inserted 30 minutes earlier.

Is the server clock screwey?
Hmm I just got a notification that Adam just replied to this thread but his post has been inserted 30 minutes earlier.

Is the server clock screwey?
Best staff impressionist voice:

"Adam is on moderation and so his replies are timely delayed until staff approves them. There is nothing physically wrong with the site."
he's been on moderation of his posts for good while now...
A little over a month now. I've grown use to it.

Short story, I posted an answer to someone else's question. I kept it short, simple, and truthful (nothing bad). Someone didn't like that answer and so they deleted it. I don't like censorship so I re-posted it. Although in my defense the first time I re-posted it I assumed that some error happen and my post was lost.

End result... Moderation.

Which I guess I should take comfort in as everything I now say or do is now approved by staff. So whatever you see that you may not like, keep in mind that a staff member has approved it..... Sometime I have to laugh at how ironic that is.

The downside is I usually no longer post in the help / support threads (as I once was more active in). Because my answers do not show up in a timely manner. I do however still help convert a lot of people to XenForo. Today I have help convert 8 sites for example.
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Ah that explains it
Meh. As I've said, I've gotten use to it.

There was one site I recall years ago, before there were any anti-spam features; where everyone was moderated. As a standing member I was moderated for over 2 1/2 years and so was everyone else, until the technology finally caught up.

So this isn't such a big deal for me. No worries.
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He was moderated for continued posting of his "shared common use code" arguments after direct warnings from me.

Ask, and the truth shall come out!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for the clarification.

I mean, just surprises me Adam isn't a victim somehow in all of this.
He was moderated for continued posting of his "shared common use code" arguments after direct warnings from me.
I'll comment once and then completely drop the issue.... The question asked in the pre-sales forum was;

"Does XenForo actively encourage developers to freely develop using shared resources or must a developer always defend his or her work?"

Upon further reflectiong (today), maybe that new person was troll baiting. But at the time the question seemed valid and my reply was honest.

"Developing for XenForo is very easy and XenForo is highly customizable. Shared resources however seem to be questionable here."

It was as a matter of opinion and experience, which was valid.
I know a great one.. It's called Go Outside :D
Outside is boring. There's nothing outside but trees. Have you ever lived in the boondocks before?


I'm allergic to everything outside. I work from home and exercise from home too.
Outside is boring. There's nothing outside but trees. Have you ever lived in the boondocks before?


I'm allergic to everything outside. I work from home and exercise from home too.
I could argue the same thing about the city. All this around me and nothing really much of interest. I'd happily switch places....

Although if I lived by the coast, I'm not sure if I'd ever be on my computer much. I'd be outside so often I think I'd need to retire my web adventures. lol :p
I'll comment once and then completely drop the issue.... The question asked in the pre-sales forum was;

"Does XenForo actively encourage developers to freely develop using shared resources or must a developer always defend his or her work?"

Upon further reflectiong (today), maybe that new person was troll baiting. But at the time the question seemed valid and my reply was honest.

"Developing for XenForo is very easy and XenForo is highly customizable. Shared resources however seem to be questionable here."

It was as a matter of opinion and experience, which was valid.

Yeah that presales question was tailor made for you. In 12 years of forums I have never seen anyone ask about "shared common-use code" except for you and that one person in presales. Curious how you take pictures of all controversial threads in which you participate, and how some of the users with which you spar are an IP match for you. I can appreciate that. I too used to spar on forums, and I would take html snapshots of my battles. Here is a good one (I am Jaden):


The art of trolling is the ability to manufacture controversy while disowning it. I have been out of the business for a while now, but I salute your efforts.
Yeah that presales question was tailor made for you. In 12 years of forums I have never seen anyone ask about "shared common-use code" except for you and that one person in presales. Curious how you take pictures of all controversial threads in which you participate, and how some of the users with which you spar are an IP match for you. I can appreciate that. I too used to spar on forums, and I would take html snapshots of my battles.

Jake for President.

Adam's attempt at looking helpful, /over. Creating an account to ask yourself a questions, /amusing. Anything Adam has to say after this, /worthless.

This has made my internet browsing for the day.
Jake for President.

Adam's attempt at looking helpful, /over. Creating an account to ask yourself a questions, /amusing. Anything Adam has to say after this, /worthless.

This has made my internet browsing for the day.

That particular person wasn't an IP match, but it was highly suspect given the nature of the question and the fact that some other users were a match, and given the immediacy of his response. But that's just suspicion. He was moderated for disobeying my warnings about the topic... a topic which was quite an effective troll for this community (shared common-use code).
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