XML Sitemap for XenForo 1.3 [Not needed, included in 1.4]

I am trying to install the Sitemap addon but I am getting the following error.

Server Error

The path /home/xxxxxx/public_html/community/sitemap is not writable. Maybe you need to chmod 777

call_user_func() in XenForo/Model/Cron.php at line 356
XenForo_Model_Cron->runEntry() in XenForo/ControllerAdmin/Cron.php at line 204
XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Cron->actionRun() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/community/admin.php at line 13
The folder permissions are 0777

What am I doing wrong?
I am trying to install the Sitemap addon but I am getting the following error.

The folder permissions are 0777

What am I doing wrong?
Well.. it does an is_writable check on the folder
I guess you could change the folder in the settings and try with other one
Can the CLI script work as a cron? Does it have includes/etc with the full path prefixes? Or do I have to run it manually every night?

I tried setting it up on a schedule but it only ran the one time and hasn't for the last 4 days.
Can the CLI script work as a cron? Does it have includes/etc with the full path prefixes? Or do I have to run it manually every night?

I tried setting it up on a schedule but it only ran the one time and hasn't for the last 4 days.
I haven't personally tried, but I don't see any reason why it would not work as a cron script
I get this error when my sysadmins (AdminGeekz) runs the cron for the cli.

Running from directory: /home/*****/public_html/forums
An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.root@web [/home/***/public_html/forums]#

They say "there is a problem with the script itself if it doesn't execute this way."
It seems to me the latest version is still including threads from private forums. Not all private forums though, only those that have the "View node" setting set to "Allow" for the Unregistered / Unconfirmed usergroup. I have all the other settings set to "Never".

Edit: I've just re-generated the sitemap after having set the "View node" setting to "Never" for the Unregistered / Unconfirmed usergroup for those forums, and now the threads are not included. So to me this seems like a bug. Surely the criterion for inclusion in the sitemap should depend on the "View threads by others" setting, not the "View node" setting? Well, I guess it depends how you define "private forum"...
I installed this correctly, etc. When I went to my webmaster tools on google to add the sitemaps. It says it found it but they're only in html format and recommends using them in the correct format. So this mod is pretty much useless because Google refuses to read the sitemaps only in html format. I put the link to sitemaps on my root directory when it asked me to...
I installed this correctly, etc. When I went to my webmaster tools on google to add the sitemaps. It says it found it but they're only in html format and recommends using them in the correct format. So this mod is pretty much useless because Google refuses to read the sitemaps only in html format. I put the link to sitemaps on my root directory when it asked me to...
That's strange, I didn't have that problem. I've used the Google webmaster tools to upload the sitemaps manually a couple of times, but never had that problem. It's generating valid XML for me, and neither Google webmaster tools nor the crawlers seem to have a problem with it.
That's strange, I didn't have that problem. I've used the Google webmaster tools to upload the sitemaps manually a couple of times, but never had that problem. It's generating valid XML for me, and neither Google webmaster tools nor the crawlers seem to have a problem with it.

I went to the sitemaps part in the webmaster tools for my site. I went and added /sitemaps to give it the location where it can get it. It simply said it was not a valid format (That was the error google gave me).
I went to the sitemaps part in the webmaster tools for my site. I went and added /sitemaps to give it the location where it can get it. It simply said it was not a valid format (That was the error google gave me).
I think you have to point it directly at the index xml file. So that would be (in my case) /sitemap/sitemap.xml.gz
Thats what I did. As said google said that is not the correct format.
Have you checked to make sure the file is not somehow corrupted, and that your web server is giving google the correct file etc? You can check by going to what would be the URL (I guess "yourdomain/sitemap/sitemap.xml.gz") with your browser to download the file, then try to unzip it and then open the unzipped file e.g. with a text editor or your browser.
Hi there,

In checking my server logs, I see some problems with Sitemap. Here's a typical example:

Starting at 1 on page 2 and generating 1000 urls...

When I try to run the cron manually, I get:

"sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments"

Any suggestions? Thanks.
Hello so I finally got the add on installed and I am now stuck with the internal error.
Does the RebuildSitemap.php have to be write-able? Or just the folder?
I tried forum/library/XfAddOns/Cli.php and it still didn't work. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Ty.
I added a small Cli utility that will let you run it through the command line. Since it not only depend on the forum size but the php settings Cli might be better for some people.

Download & install the new package, and from your XenForo dir you can call Cli.php from the command line (i.e.)

$ php library/XfAddOns/Sitemap/Cli.php

For everybody else please note this is completely optional. The task runs as a cron as usual.
Since I am having problems running this a cron, could someone who is going this route explain in more detail how to make it function? I am unfamiliar with working with command lines but it sounds like it's the best option for larger forums. Thanks.
How do you keep this add-on from putting useless stuff in the sitemap: user profiles, registered members, search, help, log in, cookie usage, recent activity, trophies, terms of service, lost password, bb codes, quick navigation menu, all that garbage? Google lists this junk first, above all of the thread content.
How do you keep this add-on from putting useless stuff in the sitemap: user profiles, registered members, search, help, log in, cookie usage, recent activity, trophies, terms of service, lost password, bb codes, quick navigation menu, all that garbage? Google lists this junk first, above all of the thread content.
You add all of those pages to your robots.txt
I could not run built sitemap. because I can not see control menu of cron entries.


but I can see it on local server my pc as this http://i.imgur.com/usx9I.png

whenever I hover control menu, menu is showing other places..

what can I do?
That seems to be an issue on your end completely unrelated to this add-on, I would suggest using other browser, seems like you are missing some css there.
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