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[XFR] User Albums 1.0.0 b7

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Well, this isn't what I want but, it at least gets rid of the bug. I'm going to keep playing with it. But if you go into xfr_useralbums_images_list it's the xfrIbTrigger class causing the lightbox. So, if you just remove it or rename it (I used -x so I can find later if I need), it then opens without lightbox and things work fine. Just not near as pretty or fun. :(

<a id="image-{$image.image_id}" href="{xen:link useralbums/view-image, $image}" class="xfrIbTrigger-x thumbBox" data-href="{xen:link useralbums/imagebox, $image}">
1. ACP -> Appearance -> Templates
2. In "Filter Items" box on right, type xfr_useralbums_images
3. Select xfr_useralbums_images_list from the returned results

The sixth or so line down you should see:
<a id="image-{$image.image_id}" href="{xen:link useralbums/view-image, $image}" class="xfrIbTrigger thumbBox" data-href="{xen:link useralbums/imagebox, $image}">

Change it to either:
<a id="image-{$image.image_id}" href="{xen:link useralbums/view-image, $image}" class="xfrIbTrigger-x thumbBox" data-href="{xen:link useralbums/imagebox, $image}">
<a id="image-{$image.image_id}" href="{xen:link useralbums/view-image, $image}" class="thumbBox" data-href="{xen:link useralbums/imagebox, $image}">

..depending on if you want your code looking for a nonexistant class or if you want it to be easier to find/revert later if you want. Though you could just look at template history... It's the xfrIbTrigger class that is calling in the lightbox which is bugged, so the key is just to remove that element. (For now. I'm no guru but I plan to dig into this more a bit later to see if I can truly fix, I want the lightbox...)
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Small error I noticed. Nothing major and I believe it to be harmless.

I deleted a photo album and I suspect Google bot or something keeps looking or it. This error shows up in the logs. Note that it seems to point to an album which doesn't exist any more.

Error Info
ErrorException: Undefined index: album_type - library/SplendidNetwork/XfRuAlbumsMore/Model/Albums.php:72
Generated By: Unknown Account, Today at 12:57 AM
Stack Trace

#0 /public_html/forums/library/SplendidNetwork/XfRuAlbumsMore/Model/Albums.php(72): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined index...', '/public_html/forums/...', 72, Array)
#1 /public_html/forums/library/SplendidNetwork/XfRuAlbumsMore/Model/Albums.php(58): SplendidNetwork_XfRuAlbumsMore_Model_Albums->limitAlbumsOnType(Array)
#2 /public_html/forums/library/XfRu/UserAlbums/ControllerPublic/Albums.php(645): SplendidNetwork_XfRuAlbumsMore_Model_Albums->assertAlbumValidAndViewable(23, '')
#3 /public_html/forums/library/XfRu/UserAlbums/ControllerPublic/Albums.php(351): XfRu_UserAlbums_ControllerPublic_Albums->assertAlbumValidAndViewable(23, 0)
#4 /public_html/forums/library/SplendidNetwork/XfRuAlbumsMore/ControllerPublic/Albums.php(27): XfRu_UserAlbums_ControllerPublic_Albums->actionView()
#5 /public_html/forums/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(337): SplendidNetwork_XfRuAlbumsMore_ControllerPublic_Albums->actionView()
#6 /public_html/forums/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#7 /public_html/forums/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#8 {main}

Request State

array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(63) ""
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {

I'm getting a very similiar error with a deleted album. I get an error on the site if I try to browse to it, too. It was deleted yesterday. Would love a fix.. I also wonder if it's from page views by anyone when the 'random this or that' generates..

Mine is described here:
I'm getting a very similiar error with a deleted album. I get an error on the site if I try to browse to it, too. It was deleted yesterday. Would love a fix.. Mine is described here:
I sort of gave up trying to see if that could be resolved. And purchased the following add-on

@Chris Deeming claims there will be an importer from this add-on to that add-on. I've disabled this one to avoid all the many issues that came of from it and am still waiting for the importer which should come with his 1.3 release (whenever that happens).
How do you like the purchased one? I've already invested so much...

Ya think the error is harmless as far as resources on the server?
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This plugin is giving me more trouble. Same user put in 2 more galleries. He can't see them at all. I can. Now the errors in the logs have doubled. I don't suppose anyone else out there has seen this and found a fix?
How do you like the purchased one? I've already invested so much...

Ya think the error is harmless as far as resources on the server?
If I'm honest, it's not exactly what I was hoping it would be.

I know @Chris Deeming is going to be mad when I say this, but it's almost a year since the release of his add-on and we still do not have personal media galleries. I knew this when I bought into it, so I can not fault him for that.

But I did have higher expectations and bought into it with the promise of private and personal galleries and an importer. And there was a strong since of it happening soon and that development would be on going.. This is how it come across when originally released and advertised.

This add-on was released April 2013 and we're vastly coming up on the renewal, because there is a 12 month renew fee. 2014 is just around the corner. And I can't help but imagine, that we'll not see that 1.3 release until after or just before that time.

In addition the importer that was promised, has been suggest it may cost extra. I can understand that for importers that would require him to purchase other software, but for this add-on [xfr] User Albums, which is free to obtain, it sort of puts me at odds.

Originally, it really did come off as though all the above would be included sometime within the first year and without encouraging additional cost. I'm not so confident now though. But I would love to be wrong.
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How do you like the purchased one? I've already invested so much...

Ya think the error is harmless as far as resources on the server?
If you need something in the here and now.... And since you have not bought into anything

@sonnb has developed a photo gallery originally July 2013 and has pushed out regular updates. It seems to be further along in development and support. And it currently offers, everything.
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I know @Chris Deeming is going to be mad when I say this
You got that right.

But, I'm not going to embark on the pointless task of responding to your small minded comments full of speculation and inaccuracies.

All I'll do is go back to work so in a short period of time you'll be able to review your post and say: "I was wrong". Because you are on many levels.
Well, I certainly don't want to start any bickerments but I do appreciate the honesty on both accounts. He was just being honest with how he felt Chris, I don't think he's tryin' to hate - its honest feedback from someone who bought somethin' from ya.

*shrug* :)

And by the sounds of it, I'll be able to look forward to your plugin as an option in my future - I do need personal albums! :)

I will say, someone has started helping me fix these errors on this plugin and if I get it error free and can manage to get my user to see his albums, I will post the fixes and link back to the real nice help I'm getting, here.
Well, I certainly don't want to start any bickerments but I do appreciate the honesty on both accounts. He was just being honest with how he felt Chris, I don't think he's tryin' to hate - its honest feedback from someone who bought somethin' from ya.

*shrug* :)
^ This ^

My comments are not meant to be a personal attack, but only from my prospective of what I've experienced and seen (read) thus far. :)

Thank you @Phases for appreciating my honest opinion, review, and comments in trying to answer your question and address your concern about investing into something.
And by the sounds of it, I'll be able to look forward to your plugin as an option in my future - I do need personal albums! :)
The 2nd one I listed, has that already. But you are free to wait and see if you wish.

I will say, someone has started helping me fix these errors on this plugin and if I get it error free and can manage to get my user to see his albums, I will post the fixes and link back to the real nice help I'm getting, here.
That would be very kind of you :)
I'd rather they had been a personal attack. Instead the claims you have made are potentially more damaging. The insinuation that the next version of the gallery won't be released until such a time that requires an additional payment to do so is downright offensive.

But hey, it's all good news. You're entirely wrong about most of your claims and you have no idea what I have planned (yet) so it will all come good in the end.
I'd rather they had been a personal attack. Instead the claims you have made are potentially more damaging. The insinuation that the next version of the gallery won't be released until such a time that requires an additional payment to do so is downright offensive.

But hey, it's all good news. You're entirely wrong about most of your claims and you have no idea what I have planned (yet) so it will all come good in the end.
And I will be very pleased to be wrong. Again, I'm sorry you don't like my formulated opinion thus far, but it has been the impression I've slowly received. If I'm mistaken, all the better. I and everyone else actually benefits if I am mistaken.

But the last time I visited your site, there was the suggestion of the importers costing extra. If you recall, I commented on how unfair that would have been and we agreed to disagree, in that you sited that your time was money and that included importers. If this has changed or if I misunderstood, I'm grateful.

But I'm also reminded that we've been waiting for almost 9 months (most of the year) for even personal galleries. And neither has there been any importers to speak of. The renewal is just shy of 4 months off.

Screenshot from 2013-12-04 13:12:12.webp

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Is there an easy way to make a translation to a new language? I want to start using this add-on and I'll gladly translate it to italian. :)
Is there an easy way to make a translation to a new language? I want to start using this add-on and I'll gladly translate it to italian. :)
Why would you want to start using an add-on which development has stopped? It's not 1.2.x compatible and haven't been updated in over two years (and the developer doesn't answer PMs anymore).

Not to be misunderstood, I love it and want to use it in the current version of Xenforo. However, that's not possible, so I've been looking for alternatives for a while now (and I have found one).
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