[XF2SEO] XenForo SEO

[XF2SEO] XenForo SEO 2021-12-11

No permission to download
Great AddOn, thanks for this! Exactly what I was still looking for.

I would need a restriction to a certain user group ("guests") for the "keywords linking".

Maybe like this:

[ ] The user is a member of at least one of the selected user groups:

[ ] The user is NOT a member of at least one of the selected user groups:

Perfect would be, if you could limit the replacements per post AND per page.

Another idea would be that you can set per keyword whether it should be a "follow" or "nofollow" link.
You already have an option "Maximum replace this keyword in message. ", so I could limit the keyword linking per post if I set this to "1".

But the keyword would be replaced in other posts on the same thread page again and again. Maybe it would be nice to have only ONE replacement per page at all.
You already have an option "Maximum replace this keyword in message. ", so I could limit the keyword linking per post if I set this to "1".

But the keyword would be replaced in other posts on the same thread page again and again. Maybe it would be nice to have only ONE replacement per page at all.

Ahh, thank you for that. Will see what I can do :) Great suggestion!
I installed it today, however it broke Tapatalk.

Error in Tapatalk is shown below. By disabling the SEO everything worked fine again. There were no errors logged by Xenforo.


  • seo.webp
    24.7 KB · Views: 33
I installed it today, however it broke Tapatalk.

Error in Tapatalk is shown below. By disabling the SEO everything worked fine again. There were no errors logged by Xenforo.

Thank you for reporting. We're looking into it now.
Can you set a limit to how many times the internal links appear? For example, I wouldn't want 90000 links, but perhaps 15 across the site would be fine.
@crazykgb Make sure you give yourself permission to edit the metadata. This can be done through Groups & permissions > Select your usergroup > Forum moderator permissions > Find [tl] SEO Package > set to Yes.

I hope that helps.
If I noindex a thread, does it remove it from the sitemap?

I think if it disn't that would be apain: getting nagged by Google.
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