XF 2.0 XF2 Usergroup Badges?


Well-known member
Hi I am new to Xenforo and especially XF2.I want to setup my own badges per usergroup,how can I accomplish this? Is there an addon or what route to do? Any help on this I will really appreciate it,thanks :)
For those of you that wish to display a banner instead of a badge. Use CSS something like this
.admin {
background-image: url('https://yoursite.com/badge/admin.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
height: 29px;
width: 118px;
text-indent: -9999px;
white-space: nowrap;  
just input this in extra.less and change it accordingly to your needs. @KensonPlays thanks for this coding :)

you will get banners something like this


Just wanted to share :)
For those of you that wish to display a banner instead of a badge. Use CSS something like this
.admin {
background-image: url('https://yoursite.com/badge/admin.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
height: 29px;
width: 118px;
text-indent: -9999px;
white-space: nowrap; 
just input this in extra.less and change it accordingly to your needs. @KensonPlays thanks for this coding :)

you will get banners something like this

View attachment 172918

Just wanted to share :)
Hi @Trueprime
is it possible to show more than 1 user banner for each user?
Currently xenforo just display the one with highest styling priority, but would like to show more than one.
In the admin control panel ... go to Options then User options and check allow banner stacking.
Great! Thanks a lot.
The only problem now is that they cannot be choosen. So all usergroups are shown :(
Hope there's a solution like the one explained here:
I wish but all the banners/titles use the same classes in css.
So there is no way to differentiate between the different badges or titles of all usergroups.

I made custom badges so they have custom class names but if i disable one thru the extra.less it will be disabled over the whole site.
Meaning that when an other user only has that banner or title they will have none at all.

Hopefully someone will make an addon like TH user banner groups to have more control over that ... as that is the only way to get it to work how we want.
Is there an option to add at extra.less that says:
"Don't show Registered badget at postbit" ¿?
You can allow stacking yes. But also you can allow groups to be shown as well. They are shown according to priority as in placement. If you wish for certain individuals to have unique banners, you can always go to users and manually assign those banners. I haven't tried out some extra.less for postbit yet, so that area I cannot give an accurate answer yet.
View attachment 180347
You can allow stacking yes. But also you can allow groups to be shown as well. They are shown according to priority as in placement. If you wish for certain individuals to have unique banners, you can always go to users and manually assign those banners. I haven't tried out some extra.less for postbit yet, so that area I cannot give an accurate answer yet.
Just removed "User banner text" from the Registered usergroup and that's all I needed :)
It doesn't show anymore.
Thanks for your help!
Anyone have a way of displaying multiple banners, but not having them create a new row? I'd like to see them side-by-side rather than stacked on top of one another.
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