XF 2.1 Multiple Usergroup Badges Not Showing?


Well-known member
I'm trying to set it up where multiple badges for secondary user groups would show on their posts; trying with my own account on the forum first.

Here are the groups assigned to my own account:

Here is the settings for User Options:

And this is what I see in thread view:

I am not sure what's going on, but I'd like to have multiple badges show since 99% of users will only have 2 at most, most likely. (post-based rank and "Pro Member" if they've subscribed)
As explained, those are user group banners, not titles.

So I can't have multiple badges displayed at once with custom background images? That's what that image looks like. Not using a 'fontawesome' font; but both images. If that's not possible, that's a RIP.
You have your image set in the user title option.

You'll need to use that in the CSS class you define for each group, use extra.less.
I tried the CSS & Extra.less before this, and nothing showed at all. The only way I could get the badge image to show in the first place was through the setting I have currently, for some reason.

Maybe the CSS I had was wrong? I've removed the CSS to make the extra.less smaller, is there a set of CSS I could use properly that would work?
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