XF 2.0 XF2 Usergroup Badges?


Well-known member
Hi I am new to Xenforo and especially XF2.I want to setup my own badges per usergroup,how can I accomplish this? Is there an addon or what route to do? Any help on this I will really appreciate it,thanks :)
What do you mean exactly? Custom badge styling? That’s built in. Set the ‘css class’ for said group, upload the badge somewhere, then reference it in CSS. (On mobile, I think the file is Extra.less)

Edit: Correction by @yoloswaggerino - Thanks! (Am on Mobile)
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Hey thanks,i wasn't sure on that as I am new to Xenforo2. I will try those methods.Yea I was just trying to make my own personal badges for usergroups to distinct them so they look special,especially for some paid usergroups.Ok I will give this a go,thank you guys for your information on this :)
Hey thanks,i wasn't sure on that as I am new to Xenforo2. I will try those methods.Yea I was just trying to make my own personal badges for usergroups to distinct them so they look special,especially for some paid usergroups.Ok I will give this a go,thank you guys for your information on this :)
Glad to help! I went so far as to make a custom badge for every single role (10-12 of them) cause I have a theme I want across all my different avenues.
Is there any example of the css coding for this,or any guide? I either have a brainfart or just not understanding this yet. Any help on this will be much appreciated, thanks :)
Go to /admin.php?user-groups/, select the group, for example admin.
User banner text: your text for the badge
User banner styling: Other, using custom CSS class name
Type in a extra class name, for example admin-badge
Go to extra.less, add
.admin-badge {

and your css within that. Do this for every group you wish to.
ok I understand that format, so for the other css customization should I use
background: url(https://mysite.com/images/adminbadge.png);
This will link to the badge image?
Let me rephrase this
.admin-badge {
    background: url(https://mysite.com/images/adminbadge.png);
this will go into the extra.less to display my badge?
I used this in extra.less from @Gator suggestion
.admin-badge {
background-image: url('https://mysite.com/badges/admin.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center top;
text-align: center top;

And in the edit usergroup area I clicked Other, using custom CSS class name like @yoloswaggerino mentioned and instead of putting the . I just put admin-badge in that section. This works and thank all of you for your help! I will just play with my sizing a little to get my preferred result :)
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