XF2 [S70] Steam Authentication and Integration (Connected Accounts) - NEW: ANALYTICS, XF1...

Hey assadi, how can i move the steam banner below the other info ? View attachment 169721

Added in 1.5.5 (y)

Many thanks, very quick service.
Any further thoughts on my suggestions?

They and other XenForo 1 features will be coming soon™. But, it might be a little bit before some of the larger XF1 features are added. The original add-on had active development and support for years. So, it might be a little before we can really offer a similar feature set ;)

Edit User, Extra Tab - in xf1 you could click on the steam profile listed under the Extra tab in Edit user in the admin cp, can't do so in your xf2 addon

Assuming nothing comes up, this should come in the next update.
Since updating from 1.5.3 to 1.5.5, I no llonger see the steam profile bit on the postbit. It now looks like this:
1519904421670.webp 1519904432119.webp

And the admin cp is set to this:

I am using the Themehouse style: Tactical
Hi, we love this add-on and we appreciate the consistent update and improvement history.
But I'm actually facing a problem - after inserting the API key, I do not see any Steam Integration settings on my website.

Is there something wrong? Is this compatible with 2.0.2?
The requested page could not be found. :/

"Test provider" succeeded. But there's nothing else on the admin page. No Steam options.
Hi, we love this add-on and we appreciate the consistent update and improvement history.
But I'm actually facing a problem - after inserting the API key, I do not see any Steam Integration settings on my website.

Is there something wrong? Is this compatible with 2.0.2?

I can't seem to replicate this on the latest version + 2.0.2. I'll PM you and we can try to diagnose the problem.
Hi, we love this add-on and we appreciate the consistent update and improvement history.

But I'm actually facing a problem - after inserting the API key, I do not see any Steam Integration settings on my website.

Is there something wrong? Is this compatible with 2.0.2?

A few days ago, I came across a website claiming to offer a pirated version of our add-on. I signed up and downloaded a copy to see what the deal was. It turned out that it was actually an unfinished Steam integration by another user here on XenForo mislabeled as our own. Our pal @auph pirated it, installed it, and began having issues with it.

So, I think that it is safe to say that this was simply "user error" ;)
A few days ago, I came across a website claiming to offer a pirated version of our add-on. I signed up and downloaded a copy to see what the deal was. It turned out that it was actually an unfinished Steam integration by another user here on XenForo mislabeled as our own. Our pal @auph pirated it, installed it, and began having issues with it.

So, I think that it is safe to say that this was simply "user error" ;)

A few days ago, I came across a website claiming to offer a pirated version of our add-on. I signed up and downloaded a copy to see what the deal was. It turned out that it was actually an unfinished Steam integration by another user here on XenForo mislabeled as our own. Our pal @auph pirated it, installed it, and began having issues with it.

So, I think that it is safe to say that this was simply "user error" ;)

Hi Assadi,

We are not trying to avoid purchasing original licenses. But we actually do require internal compatibility testing before we purchase and go-live with the feature. Thank you for letting us know that it is actually a pirated version.

We would like to purchase your plugin, and we hope you understand that it was not our intention to use a pirated version, thank you.

We would also appreciate if you could remove your post earlier.
No leave the post up as a warning to all who try and use pirated software.
@Assadi and his team have made a fantastic add-on and the feedback in the reviews and topic posts demonstrate the great support any purchaser receives.
Absolutely no need to try a dodgy version before buying this particular add-on.
No leave the post up as a warning to all who try and use pirated software.
@Assadi and his team have made a fantastic add-on and the feedback in the reviews and topic posts demonstrate the great support any purchaser receives.
Absolutely no need to try a dodgy version before buying this particular add-on.

We hope you understand that in companies, development, UAT and implementation requires testing before a purchase order could be approved for a formal purchase/indent.

Nonetheless, we do agree that @Assadi and team have done a great job with this.
So you take enough care with your site to do internal compatibility testing, yet instead of purchasing the add ons from authors to test them, you pirate them, thus potentially compromising your system with malicious software. Then you waste the original add on authors time to try and fix code that isn’t even his, for someone that isn’t even a customer yet?

What kind of company is happy for you to test pirated software on internal systems?
We hope you understand that in companies, development, UAT and implementation requires testing before a purchase order could be approved for a formal purchase/indent.


Great value considering the inflated prices Xenforo add-ons are sold for, many with a lack of after sales support.

Also is not an issue for a company, it is a cost of doing business and can possibly be written off financially.
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