xF RC2 Upgrade

Oh i was looking for a tweet but it was already announced on the forum :P Here i thought they didn't do a release this week<3 lol
For a brief moment I got "Called to undefined method XenForo_Model_Addon::getAddon*something* " but it seems to be a one-time error. Everything now works fine.
upgrade went smoothly. After 5 years with vBulletin I'm not used to this thing where the process moves along so quickly and painlessly :o
Done upgrading a xenforo forum from 1.2 RC1 to RC2, and asking my members;

"Hey I just upgrade forum from RC1 to RC2 5 minutes ago. If you notice something broken tell me."

They said, "What? I don't see anything. Are you sure the upgrade has complete?"

Done upgrading a xenforo forum from 1.2 RC1 to RC2, and asking my members;

"Hey I just upgrade forum from RC1 to RC2 5 minutes ago. If you notice something broken tell me."

They said, "What? I don't see anything. Are you sure the upgrade has complete?"

That was pretty much my experience too.
upgrade went smoothly. After 5 years with vBulletin I'm not used to this thing where the process moves along so quickly and painlessly :eek:

Oh how I can't wait to feel the same way :P

Best part is I'll probably be buying XenForo right when 1.2 goes Gold :cool:
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