XF Database Size

Would a 300mb MyBB database (Total Posts: 423,430 / Total Threads: 33,104 / Members: 1,154) translate into a much larger XenForo database?
Would a 300mb MyBB database (Total Posts: 423,430 / Total Threads: 33,104 / Members: 1,154) translate into a much larger XenForo database?
Possibly, as XenForo stores all of the content from the post table in the search table also - if you are using standard MySQL search.

There are a few other tables which can become quite large (ip, bb code cache), although they can be controlled by changing or disabling options.
Would a 300mb MyBB database (Total Posts: 423,430 / Total Threads: 33,104 / Members: 1,154) translate into a much larger XenForo database?

Yeah, my database size doubled when switching. Shouldn't even matter unless you're paying for hosting with 2gb storage, idk why you'd do that.
DB: 2.53 GB

Post: 1,225,983
Threads: 28,314
Pictures: 314,763
Attachments: 321,474
Members: 7,881

Imported from a VB4 DB with a size of 3.78 GB
Possibly, as XenForo stores all of the content from the post table in the search table also - if you are using standard MySQL search.

There are a few other tables which can become quite large (ip, bb code cache), although they can be controlled by changing or disabling options.

Ah, I see.

Yeah, my database size doubled when switching. Shouldn't even matter unless you're paying for hosting with 2gb storage, idk why you'd do that.

I have plenty of space, I was just curious. I'll post how big my database is after the conversion. Right now it is 309mb's
New database on XF is near 1100mb's but I assume its safe to empty the search index table before a backup or if I ever wanted to move to a new host?
Yes, that's fine.

Naturally you would have to rebuild the index again in order to be able to search.

For backup purposes, you can just omit that table, rather than truncate it.
Yeah, my database size doubled when switching. Shouldn't even matter unless you're paying for hosting with 2gb storage, idk why you'd do that.
It can hurt for backups. If your db is 5gig then you need 35gig just for a week of backups and just for the db.
DB size doesn't say much. It depends on factors regardless of posts such as bb-code cache and non-unicode characters
It can hurt for backups. If your db is 5gig then you need 35gig just for a week of backups and just for the db.

Any kind of zipping helps. I use tar or rar and compress old back ups. Simple zip would reduce your file size by 70% min. Give it a try.

Take back up, compress and upload to another FTP. I need to set up rsync but to lazy for it lol
This is what I use
mysqldump --opt -Q -u "username" -p dbname | gzip -9 > dbname`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`.sql.gz
Works good (y)
replace username / dbname with your own MySQL backup user name/ database name
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