XenWord setup

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Probably a totally noobie question...

I'm trying to use the Xenword bridge add-on and wondered if its correct to have 2 admin accounts - one WP side, on XF side - with the same username?

Should I have say 'wpadmin' for the Wordpress and 'forumadmin' for the XF side?

The problem I appear to be having is that I have two admin user accounts, one each side of WP/ XF with the same account name. When I log into XF the WP account gets set as a subscriber.

I know I've probably missed something fundamental here, but any ideas?

^^ Ignore above... just found an article on the TuxReports site for creating User Groups then mapping them :) http://www.tuxreports.com/community/xenword/xenword-user-mapping.12/ for anyone else in my (noobie) situation
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