XenWord Pro [Deleted]

So, as you guys might know, Wordpress 4.0 was released today. I just recently bought this plugin, but since the developer stopped giving a ****, i'm pretty sure I can't upgrade without breaking my website.

Is there an alternative add-on for this? I'm even willing to pay a developer who will take this on an continue development on this.
Removed earlier comments and suggestions. I found a way to get posting to work in WP 4.0 and have the post written to the XF database.

Here is the fix:

In /includes/xenword-users.php

Add the following code below the first two functions.

function wp_verify_nonce($nonce, $action = -1) {
    return 1;

This basically overrides the nonce setting. I've tested this on a local environment. Let's hope it works for everyone.
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Hi all,

Another one here that feels a little let down :( My 'Lifetime' license ended up being a two month license, nice

Anyway onwards and upwards, does anybody know if xenword happens to work with xenforo 1.4 and the latest wordpress update,

hopefully somebody can help regarding this so that we can all try to keep up and running.

Also does anybody know if the developer is letting anybody take over xenword in the future (Not holding breath on that one)?
I couldn't get it to work across multiple domains, which was a deal killer for me. We have several WP sites which are either on subdomains or completely separate domains, which are leading to a central discussion board. I think there was a workaround but I don't have the luxury of time anymore. I'm not even bothering with integration anymore. Not worth it.
Hi all,

Another one here that feels a little let down :( My 'Lifetime' license ended up being a two month license, nice

Anyway onwards and upwards, does anybody know if xenword happens to work with xenforo 1.4 and the latest wordpress update,

hopefully somebody can help regarding this so that we can all try to keep up and running.

Also does anybody know if the developer is letting anybody take over xenword in the future (Not holding breath on that one)?

He gave us a few lines of code that make this compatible w/ WP4 (thank God). But i'm not sure about xf 1.4 compatibility.
He gave us a few lines of code that make this compatible w/ WP4 (thank God). But i'm not sure about xf 1.4 compatibility.

There is a new xenword-users.php file available for download on the support forums. This is better than disabling the nonce verification.

I have not upgraded to XF 1.4 but will let everyone know when it is done.

Update: The XF 1.4 upgrade finished on the local installation. A WP post published to the XF forum. Login/Logout worked. Updating WP plugins also worked. It appears all is fine.
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I would like to request a refund of my $60, please. I purchased a developer license in May under the promise that I would have access to support and updates for a year.


I would like to request a refund of my $60, please. I purchased a developer license in May under the promise that I would have access to support and updates for a year.


I think you misunderstand the current status of the bridge.

You had a working bridge under WordPress 3.9.2 and different versions of XF. The bridge now works under WP 4.1 alpha and XF 1.4. For those in a hurry, the code for fixing the 1.0.6 bridge has been posted. There are actually three different fixes available depending on the site.

Final code for a new release has not been done because different fixes are being tested. The bug created in XenWord using wp_update_user has been removed but the code is not clean.

Currently no release is available for sale. Support has not been public (except of late) - and slowly done via emails and PMs. I'm now asking people to post in the support forums again. After all, WP 4.0 has been a big challenge for many people.

A new XenWord version will be available when it is done. I cannot promise a date for release. Use one of the posted fixes.

In other words, "the promise that I would have access to support and updates for a year" has been honored and will continue to be honored. This is why I stopped sales. New installations take a long time to get everything settled for people. I'd rather focus my limited time on everyone who has the bridge installed (including my site!).

Now, I appreciate all the emails requesting me to post things publicly. I apologize if my post on XenWord.com caused angst and frustration. The bridge works - even with WP 4.1 now :)

Maybe - someday - I'll be able to even add new features. But not now.
I think you misunderstand the current status of the bridge.

You had a working bridge under WordPress 3.9.2 and different versions of XF. The bridge now works under WP 4.1 alpha and XF 1.4. For those in a hurry, the code for fixing the 1.0.6 bridge has been posted. There are actually three different fixes available depending on the site.

Final code for a new release has not been done because different fixes are being tested. The bug created in XenWord using wp_update_user has been removed but the code is not clean.

Currently no release is available for sale. Support has not been public (except of late) - and slowly done via emails and PMs. I'm now asking people to post in the support forums again. After all, WP 4.0 has been a big challenge for many people.

A new XenWord version will be available when it is done. I cannot promise a date for release. Use one of the posted fixes.

In other words, "the promise that I would have access to support and updates for a year" has been honored and will continue to be honored. This is why I stopped sales. New installations take a long time to get everything settled for people. I'd rather focus my limited time on everyone who has the bridge installed (including my site!).

Now, I appreciate all the emails requesting me to post things publicly. I apologize if my post on XenWord.com caused angst and frustration. The bridge works - even with WP 4.1 now :)

Maybe - someday - I'll be able to even add new features. But not now.

Thank you for clarifying; I appreciate it. Can you please direct me to where to download the current version? Logging into the XenWord site, I don't see where to do that.

Thanks again.
So will I have to wait to purchase the new version as I have a front end site I want to work on and launch but have not WP bridge? I am happy to use the old (deleted) version and implement the fix.
So will I have to wait to purchase the new version as I have a front end site I want to work on and launch but have not WP bridge? I am happy to use the old (deleted) version and implement the fix.

I'm not quite sure this is an answer to your question but ... While development may continue at a slow pace ( I use the plugin and made changes today to test), I'm not sure that I'll ever put the plugin up for sale again. Those who did a chargeback while continuing to use the plugin are no different from those who are downloading it from a pirate site.
I'm not quite sure this is an answer to your question but ... While development may continue at a slow pace ( I use the plugin and made changes today to test), I'm not sure that I'll ever put the plugin up for sale again. Those who did a chargeback while continuing to use the plugin are no different from those who are downloading it from a pirate site.

I launched my site anyway, will just have to live without the bridge for now. I of course would rather give you some money and use your bridge rather than pirate it. I of course will not pirate it as I have too much respect for the work you developers do but at some point I will need a bridge..what do you suggest?

I do not know if it is possible, but how about re launching with a new business plan?

Perhaps do not supply anyone with the actual file, and only offer the sale of Xenword as a set up and installation service with a fixed fee that is economically viable for yourself. Any additional support can be a set monthly fee otherwise there is zero support. I am not technically minded enough to know if this could stop or limit piracy?

I junked my vbulletin site so I could have a WP and Xenforo site with your bridge being the an integral part of what will make it work.

Thanks, I hope you re launch and make it work for you.
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Members are able to see hidden thread titles for threads they don't have access to on the "New Threads" widget. When they click it, they get access denied, but the title can give away alot. Is there a quick way to fix this? Maybe an additional IF loop or and additional && statement somehwhere?
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