XenWord Pro [Deleted]

is it possible to make that user will submit the comments only in xenforo and the comments will be displayed in wordpress & xenforo??

Yes. This will take a theme edit on the WordPress side. In a child theme (never the parent), go to the comments.php file and remove the comment form. This will allow the XenForo posts to show but not allow anyone on the WP side to post a comment.


Look for something like this:

<?php comment_form( $args, $post_id ); ?>

Google XML Sitemaps would not work so I changed it to Google Sitemap Pro and Google picked up the sitemap instantly.

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LPH updated XenWord with a new update entry:

New Code for Writing XenForo Users to WordPress Database

XenWord is available for download. This version took a little longer than expected because of my limited time coding these past few weeks.

Important changes include five bug fixes and several new features. The most important new feature is the writing of the XenForo user to the WordPress database. This helps with compatibility with other WordPress plugins. Several developers have helped test this plugin in different environments. The code should be stable.

Do not overwrite files...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Server Issues
I woke up to a ton of emails regarding a problem with the server. Digital Ocean had a problem in their SFO area but appear to have fixed things. If you are still having problems registering, ordering, downloading, etc then please do not hesitate sending me a PM here.

Home Improvement Updates
Yes - I've been busy IRL.

Base molding is not cut nor installed - it's just leaning up against the wall - but at least there is some good progress on the flooring :)

Simple Showcase Widget

The code is not complete and there are many things to be polished - but - here is a screenshot of a local development environment.

Screen Shot 2014-06-23 at 11.01.14 PM.webp
Added the following warning to this plugin ....

Your WordPress installation may have hidden errors: A theme deprecation notice , another plugin is using deprecated calls, or a server is being overly taxed and the MySQL dies. All of these errors may be hidden until the XenWord plugin is installed. All errors will be written to the browser so they may be fixed. These errors are NOT due to the plugin but were simply hidden prior to the plugin. Fixing these errors is outside the scope of the plugin support, however, I will do my best to help. As always, you are free to contact me here or on the support site.

Any theme from ThemeForest should be purchased and used with caution. Read all support comments prior to purchasing the theme. Many themes use poor coding practices or are very old - even the most popular ones have trouble. Make sure that the author is supporting the theme. I cannot rewrite the theme for you.

Other Plugins
One of the first points of troubleshooting is to deactivate all other WordPress plugins and XenForo add-ons. This will help you isolate any problems. Once working, activate each add-on one at a time.

Shared Servers
This plugin has been installed on small sites residing on shared servers, however, if another site uses the resources then you will have errors. Read any error messages carefully. A MySQL has gone away is an issue with your server. Please contact your hosting company. There are also very talented server administrators on this site who might be able to help.
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I have installed xenword on my site and I am having a problem logging in.

If I am logged in from my forum, then I am automatically logged in when I visit my wordpress site (classipress theme). So that is working fine.
When I log out, it rolls over to my forum and logs me out. So that is working fine.

I cannot log in from my wordpress site though. It does not roll over to the forum to complete the login, it stays on the wordpress site. Registrations also remain on the wordpress site.
I have installed xenword on my site and I am having a problem logging in.

If I am logged in from my forum, then I am automatically logged in when I visit my wordpress site (classipress theme). So that is working fine.
When I log out, it rolls over to my forum and logs me out. So that is working fine.


I cannot log in from my wordpress site though. It does not roll over to the forum to complete the login, it stays on the wordpress site. Registrations also remain on the wordpress site.

I'm confused. Are you using the WP widget login provided with XenWord ? Everything is through XenForo.

If you are trying to use WP accounts then you'd want to move them over to XenForo. This is an add-on to do that for you.


Maybe there is confusion on how this add-on works. Have you watched these videos?


I'm confused. Are you using the WP widget login provided with XenWord ? Everything is through XenForo.

If you are trying to use WP accounts then you'd want to move them over to XenForo. This is an add-on to do that for you.


Maybe there is confusion on how this add-on works. Have you watched these videos?

www.truckersforum.net/classifieds is the WordPress install.

Forum is at www.truckersforum.net/forum

Once I am logged out, I cannot log in from the classifieds because it doesn't roll over to the forum login. I have to go to the forum and log in, then click back to the classifieds.
Classipress appears to be using a custom login page. Maybe that is why I am having the login issue?

Classipress has two custom pages. One for registration, the other for login. Wordpress login and registration is redirected to these pages. I deleted both of those pages and Xenword now goes to xenforo's login and registration pages as intended.

However, once it goes there, it stays on the forum after registration, it doesn't go back to classifieds. Any ideas on that, or is it working as intended in this case?
Is anybody else having trouble with the "Recent Threads" and "Popular Threads" widgets? It looks like it's giving the wrong link to the threads by appending an extra index.php? in the url link. I'm looking through through the widget php file now but can't seem to find a way to fix this. Any ideas?
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