XenWord Pro [Deleted]

LPH updated XenWord with a new update entry:

(114) XenWord is the GOLD release

( 114 ) 3.0 GOLD - July 5, 2016
Tested with WordPress 4.6 beta 1
Rewrite of the XenWord_XF_Users class: added several new methods
Bug Fix: rewrite of adding XF users to WP database
Bug Fix: added tag creation conditionals during insert new thread
Bug Fix: wp-login.php accessible after login
New code: class-xenword-add-wpusers.php, update_user_status for multisite
New code: class-xenword-add-wpusers.php, update_user_meta xf_user_id for future use

Read the rest of this update entry...
@LPH have you plans or considerations to have the bridge manage accounts the other way around (member database / login from WordPress sync to XenForo)? Or in other words: Having XenForo being a "Plugin" for WordPress? Optional... or as another add-on in the future?
@LPH have you plans or considerations to have the bridge manage accounts the other way around

Approximately the last 20 hours of coding has predominantly been my trying to learn OOP. It's about time ! I've been on the edges of it for the last year and have tested different ways to do things. I've tinkered with XenForo add-ons but nothing serious, until about 2 days ago.

The importance, and why I bring this up, is that relative paths have always been a problem. If I can figure out how to extend XenForo outside the /library then I might be able to do more. The idea of having to upload in WordPress then in XenForo isn't appealing. Instead, everything needs to fit nicely in one upload.

This might not be possible and the coding fun has only begun.

Update: My point, I guess that was lost in my reply, is that if I can figure out how to extend XenForo outside /library then the plan is to add many more features designed to better integrate XenForo and WordPress. For example, XenWord_WP_Users code is already included with test code but not connected in any viable manner.

The other hornets nest is using associations instead of outright matching of IDs and user_ids. There is now meta data being added to WordPress with the XenForo user_id. :)
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Is it possible that I can have a form on my wordpress page, like ask a question, etc, and then the question the user provides is posted to a specific forum.
Is it possible that I can have a form on my wordpress page, like ask a question, etc, and then the question the user provides is posted to a specific forum.


I wanted to answer you despite my being in an intense training for "principles of engineering."

The quick answer is yes. The long answer is ... this depends on many factors such as your programming skills. This is not part of the default part of the script. Instead, you'd expand the script using your own skills.

I realize this isn't a complete answer but maybe it'll get you started.
Hey @LPH is this a known issue with the newest release?

An exception occurred: No entry is registered for key 'addOns' in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/community/library/XenForo/Application.php on line 1010

   XenForo_Application::get() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/community/library/XenForo/Dependencies/Abstract.php at line 255
   XenForo_Dependencies_Abstract->preRenderView() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/community/library/XenForo/Dependencies/Public.php at line 268
   XenForo_Dependencies_Public->preRenderView() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/community/library/XenForo/FrontController.php at line 580
   XenForo_FrontController->renderView() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/community/library/Dark/Kotomi/FrontController.php at line 54
   Dark_Kotomi_FrontController->runKotomi() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/community/library/Dark/Kotomi/KotomiFooter.php at line 2
   require() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/wp-content/themes/asdf/footer.php at line 6
   require() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/wp-content/themes/asdf/index.php at line 139
   include() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php at line 75
   require_once() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/wp-blog-header.php at line 19
   require() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/index.php at line 17
Hey @LPH is this a known issue with the newest release?

An exception occurred: No entry is registered for key 'addOns' in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/community/library/XenForo/Application.php on line 1010

   XenForo_Application::get() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/community/library/XenForo/Dependencies/Abstract.php at line 255
   XenForo_Dependencies_Abstract->preRenderView() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/community/library/XenForo/Dependencies/Public.php at line 268
   XenForo_Dependencies_Public->preRenderView() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/community/library/XenForo/FrontController.php at line 580
   XenForo_FrontController->renderView() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/community/library/Dark/Kotomi/FrontController.php at line 54
   Dark_Kotomi_FrontController->runKotomi() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/community/library/Dark/Kotomi/KotomiFooter.php at line 2
   require() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/wp-content/themes/asdf/footer.php at line 6
   require() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/wp-content/themes/asdf/index.php at line 139
   include() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php at line 75
   require_once() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/wp-blog-header.php at line 19
   require() in /home/asdfdfsafadsasdf/public_html/index.php at line 17


I'm on my home from the two week training and should be back in a few hours. I'm assuming you had this working with previous versions? I've not test with the Kotomi bridge.

As soon as I'm home then I'll download Kotomi and install the add on. Look in the Kotomi thread and I believe someone modified a few lines to get the two working together.

I'm on my home from the two week training and should be back in a few hours. I'm assuming you had this working with previous versions? I've not test with the Kotomi bridge.

As soon as I'm home then I'll download Kotomi and install the add on. Look in the Kotomi thread and I believe someone modified a few lines to get the two working together.
Unfortunately it still doesn't work even with that fix :(
Yes it has been working with all versions prior.

Please do me a favor and go to the support site, open a ticket, and please be very specific. We aren't really communicating here; I need details of versions so I can track down changes then we can figure out why things aren't working.

Thank you for understanding.

One of our customers reported an incompatibility between our mods and your mod. I was able to resolve it by editing /wp-content/plugins/xenword-
if (empty($GLOBALS['xfLoaded'])) {

Add below:
global $dependencies;

Would it be possible to trouble you to add this to the next release as well in order for our two mods to continue to work together? It would be very much appreciated :)

Thank you in advance :)

Would it be possible to trouble you to add this to the next release as well in order for our two mods to continue to work together? It would be very much appreciated

I'm a bit confused by your post. This is line 81 - 87

if (empty($GLOBALS['xfLoaded'])) {
   // These are needed to make sure that XenForo addons run as required, and to load XF options
   $dependencies = new XenForo_Dependencies_Public();


Maybe they are running an earlier version or are you suggesting that section be re-written?
I'm a bit confused by your post. This is line 81 - 87

if (empty($GLOBALS['xfLoaded'])) {
   // These are needed to make sure that XenForo addons run as required, and to load XF options
   $dependencies = new XenForo_Dependencies_Public();


Maybe they are running an earlier version or are you suggesting that section be re-written?
I'm asking that you add the $dependencies in that block of code to the global scope so that my mod can detect that your mod has initialised XF Dependencies. When neither $GLOBALS['dependencies'] nor XenForo_Application::get('fc') return a valid Dependencies reference, there's no way (that I can see) for my mod to determine that someone has initialised the XF Dependencies, meaning that it tries to re-initialise them, which means load_class EventListeners get duplicated, leading to conflicts.

Does that make more sense? :)

I'm asking that you add the $dependencies in that block of code to the global scope so that my mod can detect that your mod has initialised XF Dependencies. When neither $GLOBALS['dependencies'] nor XenForo_Application::get('fc') return a valid Dependencies reference, there's no way (that I can see) for my mod to determine that someone has initialised the XF Dependencies, meaning that it tries to re-initialise them, which means load_class EventListeners get duplicated, leading to conflicts.

Does that make more sense? :)
Which other addons do what you outlined ?
Thought I'd post this here as I haven't gotten a reply on the support ticket (plus my computer keeps messing up the appearance of the forum there)

Anywho... I'm currently getting the following error when trying to update from to 3.0 Gold, and I am following the update instructions step to step, I can't even reinstall it (I had to restore from a backup:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class XFCP_WidgetFramework_XenForo_Route_Prefix_Index in /home1/nintybuzz/public_html/forum/library/XenForo/Application.php(528) : eval()'d code on line 1

Please help

Would it be possible to display the latest posts/pages/custom post types from WP to XF through a widget on frontpage?
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