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Well-known member
XenQuotation is an add-on for XenForo that allows your community members to save silly, funny and memorable quotations for all to see. Each quotation can be saved with an author, date and a bit of text to put the quotation in context. You can even turn a post in to a quotation.

Current Version: XenQuotation v0.2.2 (Beta 3), released 30th July 2011.

Main Features:
  • Integrated in to XenForo:
    • Integrated with Search
    • Integrated with Alerts
    • Integrated with Like'ing
    • Integrated with Moderation Queue
    • Integrated with In-line Moderation
  • Save quotations directly from posts
  • Configurable permissions for quotations.
  • Each quotation has an URL that can be passed around to view that quotation.
  • List of quotations (similar to the list of threads in a forum) for quick browsing.
  • Configure which BB Codes can be used in your quotations.
  • Comes with [bd] Widget Framework widget for displaying a random quotation.
  • Comes with a XenPorta module for displaying a random quotation.
Important Links:
FYI this add-on is being developed for/by/with support from the awesome FreddysHouse!


  • add_quotation_bbcode.webp
    37.1 KB · Views: 254
  • current_visitors.webp
    9.8 KB · Views: 235
  • inline_moderation.webp
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  • like_alert.webp
    13.1 KB · Views: 228
  • moderation_queue.webp
    39.1 KB · Views: 205
  • navtab_quotations.webp
    10.4 KB · Views: 208
  • quotation_list_deleted.webp
    45.4 KB · Views: 198
  • quotation_list.webp
    44 KB · Views: 199
  • quotation_preview.webp
    18.2 KB · Views: 195
  • search_quotations.webp
    33.7 KB · Views: 185
  • search_results.webp
    38.9 KB · Views: 182
  • view_single_quotation.webp
    39.4 KB · Views: 198
wow brilliant add-on.. very well done mate!
Is there a working demo for testing purpose? actually I don't see the Quotation View page in the screen shots.
What can we do with the saved quotations?
I think we can have a collection of nice quotes, visitors can view and like them.
I'd suggest a few features i.e Comments on each quote, Admin defined Authors list & Categories and more..
wow brilliant add-on.. very well done mate!
Is there a working demo for testing purpose? actually I don't see the Quotation View page in the screen shots.

The list is currently the only way to view the quotes, I'm working on a single quote view (which is 1/2 there but there are no links to it :)).
I think this could be a very cool addon (not that it's not already) but what I would like to see would be a way to flag a post in a thread and have it x-post to quotes. Kinda like Reddit's Bestof.
I think this could be a very cool addon (not that it's not already) but what I would like to see would be a way to flag a post in a thread and have it x-post to quotes. Kinda like Reddit's Bestof.

That is already in the mod but due to having to hack a template it is not visible just yet... SheepCow is looking at seeing if a hook is available.
Great.. please also update the screen shot with the new quote page.
keep up the good work. :)
That is already in the mod but due to having to hack a template it is not visible just yet... SheepCow is looking at seeing if a hook is available.

If you're extra sneaky (and using v0.1.1 just released) you can add "?post=123" on to the end of the add a quote page to see how it currently works. (e.g. example.com/forum/quotes/create-quote?post=456)

Great.. please also update the screen shot with the new quote page.
keep up the good work. :)

Just added some new screenshots!
I have some ideas and suggestions for the future updates, if you like:
  • Add a sidebar on all pages
    • "Share this page" block.
    • "Quote of the Day" on Add-on sidebar and Forum home page sidebar.
    • More Quotes from User
    • Quotations (add-on) Statistics
  • Admin defined Authors list.
    • Option to select an author on Quote create page.
    • Browse Quotes by Author(s)
    • Top 5 Authors on sidebar
  • Categories
    • Must select a category when create new quotes (admin defined-able option)
    • Browse Quotes by Categories
  • Add to Favorite list
    • Add quotes to users favorite list
    • Browse users all favorite quotes
This is a good idea, keep the updates rolling!

The liek button doesnt seem to work...you click it and no likes appear.
This is a good idea, keep the updates rolling!

The liek button doesnt seem to work...you click it and no likes appear.

Just release v0.1.2-f1 that fixes the liking not working at all. The "like" counter doesn't update correctly yet though!
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