Xenforo User Map [Deleted]

What's the server load like for this add-on?

Feature Suggestion: Map Groups
Allow the viewer to optionally select which specific map groups are displayed. The map groups would be created by the admin and could include a single usergroup or multiple usergroups. Consider the option of adding different icon images for each map group.
I'm not member in your site, but I guess this links bring you to your profile page right?
it's possible if that links open the member card instead?
Another question regarding the branding removal..
Branding removal costs depend on your forum size.
how about if my board have a lot of people but only few are active?
There are some table with the prices of the branding removal?
The map isn't working for me a while ago. All set correctly. Coordinates are ok.
But on the map page where the map is a child item i receive this on firebug console.

None of the other pages throws error. Just the map.

Any idea?

ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined

(jQuery, this, document);

/usermap/ (line 312)
ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined

jQuery.fn.topLink = function(settings) {

/usermap/ (line 1215, col 8)
ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined

jQuery.extend(true, XenForo,

/usermap/ (line 1330)
XenForo.activate(Document /usermap/)
TypeError: b is undefined


xenforo...7835744 (line 48, col 370)
Can someone help me do this type of map. Willing to pay.
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