XF 2.2 xenForo requirements (PHP 8.0)

I am trying to install xenForo 2.2 on a server with PHP 8.0
To do so, I checked the requirements with xenforo_requirements.php - to be honest, I do not understand, what the result is telling me. It says:

XenForo® 2 system requirements test
' . $fn . ' via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This will cause unexpected problems in XenForo.'; } } foreach ($recommended AS $fn) { if (in_array($fn, $disabled)) { $warnings[$fn] = 'Your server has disabled a core PHP function ' . $fn . ' via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This may cause unexpected problems in XenForo.'; } } } if ($errors) { ?>
Requirements not met
The following XenForo requirements were not met. Please contact your host for help.
  1. $error"; } ?>
Additionally, the following warnings should be noted:
  1. $warning"; } ?>
Requirements met
Your server meets all of XenForo's PHP requirements.
However, the following warnings should be noted - you may need to ask your host to address these:
  1. $warning"; } ?>
I do have access to the php.ini Can someone tell me, what I have to search for?
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