Xenforo oAuth2 implementation

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New member
Hey all,

I've been looking for the following feature in XenForo 2+. To use the XenForo 2 user accounts for other services with oAuth2. I've been looking for such a feature for quite a while now, and I just found this link to an add-on that should add this feature. However I am unsure if this will work with XenForo 2.

Does anyone know more about this add-on, or any other way how to implement this?

Kind regards,
Yes it is, I know that this might be the incorrect subforum for this, however I am not the owner of the license, as I am just the developer, and as such I couldn't post in the other main subforums.
We can only provide support to licensed customers, or associates.

You can ask the license owner to add your forum name to their account, which will provide access to the customers forums (and support).
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