XenForo = Labor of Love!

We often hear about new forum software being developed, and usually, most of them aren't well developed, they haven't had extensive thinking about and were rushed into being created... Unlike the "other ones" I feel that XenForo is being well developed, it has been very well thought out and the creators are taking their time with releasing it, but making very swift progress. To say the least, I feel like XenForo will be the new non-open source forum software that's actually worth paying for. Honestly, I've never met developers anywhere else who actively listen to their future customers' ideas and honestly consider implementing them. Kier and the others have really done their work with creating an innovative forum software that has never been seen before. To me, it seems like they did side-by-side comparisons with all forum software and added what's not been seen to XF...

TL;DR - I love XenForo and it's definitely going to be worth whatever the license will cost.

Keep up the great work.
Well let me say they do it here faster.

That's really subjective. We're making judgments about this software based only on the front-end. It's going to be hard to tell what is really being added until we can see the whole package. Nor do we know if this is the pace we'll be seeing for all future releases, or if many things are being added en route to a 1.0 release.

This is a very good software package from what I can see, but it's hardly fair to knock other solutions until we can make a very fair comparison between XenForo and the others.
That's really subjective. We're making judgments about this software based only on the front-end. It's going to be hard to tell what is really being added until we can see the whole package. Nor do we know if this is the pace we'll be seeing for all future releases, or if many things are being added en route to a 1.0 release.

This is a very good software package from what I can see, but it's hardly fair to knock other solutions until we can make a very fair comparison between XenForo and the others.

So true.
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