XenForo Homepage

XenForo Homepage 1.0.1

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Not easily.

This add-on is primarily designed to replicate a static HTML page outside XF.

If you want to use widgets and other content, use a page node.

Thanks. With this addon still won't be able to achieve what I want. I have achieved with an TH addon, but thought with the one XenForo released, I could relocate it.
I just installed this addon.
My homepage at the moment is xenforo brand logo.
I am not good at html code. Can someone share me a simple html code that can look different from default xenforo homepage?
Thank you guys
After installing this add-on the forum URL will be mysite.com/forums right ?
So the URL of a thread will be mysite.com/forums/threads/test.1 right ?
So is the old URL mysite.com/threads/test.1 will be 404 ??

The route for forums will still be /forums (it's just not exposed when using /forums as the index page route).

The route for threads will still be /threads, so URLs will remain as mysite.com/threads/test.1 .

I need someone's help as I temporarily installed this addon and disabled it again for later project but when I did, it broke my url to my side1696660918884.webp

Also all of my fonts aren't working now whenever people make a post. It won't change fonts, or it does and then it'll change back to default if I colour it. It's messing up a lot of formating, someone help

I need someone's help as I temporarily installed this addon and disabled it again for later project but when I did, it broke my url to my sideView attachment 292125

Also all of my fonts aren't working now whenever people make a post. It won't change fonts, or it does and then it'll change back to default if I colour it. It's messing up a lot of formating, someone help

I guess you need to revert the Index page route if you changed that, at Setup > Options > Basic options > Index page route
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