XenForo Add-On Certification


Active member
I think with all the add-ons that XenForo seems to be getting, I think it would be a good idea if XenForo would make a Certification Program this way if a user installed a 3rd party add-on, that you would feel safer to see some kind of XenForo Certification Seal that the developer adhered to some kind of standard.

This has been discussed many times.

We simply don't have the time nor resources available to vet every single add-on.

Not to mention, all resources, including paid, would have to be hosted here.
An optional audit service would be welcome. But there is no need for XenForo LTD to provide it. (unless they would contract a third party for it)
Hi Brogan
Ya I thought of that just after I posted that sorry well I do think it is a good idea!!

But what XenForo could do is charge for the certification it would be an great way to get capital for the brand name??

But what XenForo could do is charge for the certification it would be an great way to get capital for the brand name??

Which then puts up the price of paid-for add-ons to recoup the costs and kills off free add-ons (who's going to release a free add-on if they have to pay for certification?!)
Hi Martok
However some not all of the add-on's may or may not cause error with XenForo that may or may not be able to be fixed?? Its about integrity of the base software XenForo?

Hi Martok
However some not all of the add-on's may or may not cause error with XenForo that may or may not be able to be fixed?? Its about integrity of the base software XenForo?

So you're saying it's an optional certification programme? In which case, no authors bother to use it because it saves them money and users will still buy their add-ons anyway.
Hi Martok
To be honest if I was an authors I think I would get certified at least it would tell the users that want to buy my product that it would tell them that I care enough that my add-on will blend seamlessly with XenForo and not cause problems. Lets face it there are people if a problem happens its not like you can pick up a phone and make a call if you are running a site that has a lot of users you want to give those user confidence that the product they are using will work without incident. Yes? No?

I am sure that more than a few customers would pay for an audit. In fact I already have code checked by other developers to get an idea about code quality. If I am already paying to get software developed, then I would rather be sure that its quality and not have any malware deployment, callbacks, password harvesting, etc.
If I deploy addons on sites that get a large number of users, then I could potentially be responsible for a large malware scandal or password heist. Can you imagine what would happen if one of the most popular addons would include such?
Whilst this may be a good idea, as has already been said the XenForo team just don't have the manpower or time to implement this.
Quality code review sometimes can take more time than write the own code.

In my opinion it's only 1-5% of all third party add-ons with a good quality code :(.
Unfortunately this may be the case let the buyer be ware lol. However a lot of the developers do back their add-on's up but still maybe XenForo could implement a set of conditions that developers will have to follow without a great amount of cost to XenForo or the developer? Hey maybe start a user based rating system about rating not how the add-on works but about error with the core software XenForo? In other words if the add-on cause no reported error conditions with the core software XenForo give it a rating of let say 10 etc.... This would have nothing to do with OH WOW this ad-on is COOL lol just performance with XenForo??

Hi Brogan
Maybe XenForo could start a private user group headed by a XenForo Developer with volunteer users of XenForo that would spend some time looking in to new app for XenForo and see how that react to XenForo core software?? Anyway just a thought....

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