XF 1.5 XenForo 1.5 Facebook Login User State Error


Active member
Hello ;

I made the connection with my facebook entry. Member registration may be successful but user state is not Valid user :( User state is Awaiting Approval

how camn ı add facebook registered members a valid user automatically ?

thanks for all
If you have enabled "Enable Manual Approval" in User Registration Options, then that will apply to all users whether they register normally or via an external account.
XenForo would only control a user's initial registration state via that option, so if the behaviour is anything different it may suggest there is an add-on involved. Can you reproduce the issue with all add-ons disabled? Have you got a screenshot of a user in the awaiting approval list? This may give more clues, such as spam triggers.
XenForo would only control a user's initial registration state via that option, so if the behaviour is anything different it may suggest there is an add-on involved. Can you reproduce the issue with all add-ons disabled? Have you got a screenshot of a user in the awaiting approval list? This may give more clues, such as spam triggers.


register/facebook/register registeration complate system message

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