XF 1.4 XenForo 1.4 Improvements to Replying

XenForo radically improves the ability of your users to reply in a concise, accurate and intuitive way.

Watch the video to find out how.

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Update: in answer to a question about whether or not this works across multiple pages / threads...
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Fantastic update Kier.

Some might see this as a strange request but will it work across threads (e.g. quote something in another thread and use as a response in the thread you're replying to - save copy and paste between)?
Great idea. I've not seen this sort of thing before, but I know that members will make use of this as I've had a lot of comments about the old quote method.
The tadaa was a nice addition at the end, and these changes are brilliant :)

Also, is it me or is this the 3rd HYS this week?

Yes, it is... Nice.


P.S What do you use to record the screen?

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