[XenCustomize] Profile Audio Player & Library - Music and Lyrics

[XenCustomize] Profile Audio Player & Library - Music and Lyrics [Paid] 2.2.1

No permission to buy ($55.00)
This is a fantastic addon @Veer

I'm just thinking out loud here but I'm wondering how feasible it would be to add some sort of basic comments system where other members can comment on your audios?
I appreciate your kind words and support :)

Good suggestion! A comments system would be helpful to improve user interaction with the audio content. However, since it's a significant feature, we need to clarify which type of comments system would be best. Should it be a system with nested replies, similar to profile posts, or something more like the media gallery comments where quotes are used for replies?

Also, the ability for members to add more than one playlist and have folders/categories - I have members that would like to add podcasts but I'd like to keep the music and podcasts separate if possible.
We've had suggestions for multiple playlists before, and it's on our roadmap too. When we decide to do it, it will only support playing "Attached" or "Linked" audio tracks, external services/apps won't be supported.
Thanks for the info. The toggle button works great, but it still reverts back to the last file uploaded for the auto-play when visitors visit the profile page. It would be nice to be able to 'set' that and occasionally change it.
Thanks for the info. The toggle button works great, but it still reverts back to the last file uploaded for the auto-play when visitors visit the profile page. It would be nice to be able to 'set' that and occasionally change it.
Regarding auto play, if you ever want to disable it, there's an option for that in the admin options.
Currently, the player can be positioned in the sidebar and sidenav. On mobile view, it automatically shifts just below the profile tabs. We'll see if we can add another option to move it down the order on the profile sidebar.

Regarding hiding, there's an admin option called Enable Profile Audio Player to disable the player. However, as of v2.0.4, this option also disables the player on Audio view pages. In a future version, we'll separate this option to only disable the player on profiles.

The most recently added track is at the top of the list.

There's a button called Playlist toggle that lets you choose any track to play.

View attachment 292218

Thank you for your kind words. Currently, we have implemented the best possible solutions. Some paid services only allow embedding and limited playback without their apps, which we cannot integrate into our player. Therefore, we've come up with a workaround. We've added buttons and dedicated tabs to embed their player, so users can easily click and play the track on their apps directly.
What kind of services are these with limited playback?

Development update:​

The next version won't be 2.0.5, as mentioned earlier. Considering the feedback we've received and examining how customers have used the add-on, we've made significant changes and are reevaluating how things worked in 2.0. Therefore, we're now aiming for 2.1. Most of the work is already completed, and we hope to finish it tonight or tomorrow.

Expected changes include:​

  • Minimelody Player Rebuilt
    • Built using the HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
    • Now support dark styles.
    • Fully customizable.
    • Available action buttons are "Play, Pause, Stop, Repeat and Volume"
    • Support Auto play.
    • Option to disable the auto play.
  • Subtitles
    • Added a new 100 character length optional text input field just below the title on add/edit pages.
    • Displays under the title and various other places.
  • Profile Audio Player Positions
    • Added a new option to place the Player on user profiles sidebar down the order.
  • Enable Listen tab
    • If it's disabled, users won't be required to Attach audio or Provide a link to audio when adding or editing an audio entry. In that case, entries added without audio attachments or audio links will not appear on the profile player.
  • Enable Lyrics tab
    • If it's disabled, users won't be able to access the Lyrics editor when adding or editing an audio entry because there's no point in adding lyrics in that case.
  • Enable Spotify tab
    • If it's disabled, users won't be able to access the editor to Spotify embed when adding or editing an audio entry because there's no point in embedding Spotify in that case.
  • Enable Apple Music tab
    • If it's disabled, users won't be able to access the editor to Apple Music embed when adding or editing an audio entry because there's no point in embedding Apple Music in that case.
  • Enable SoundCloud tab
    • If it's disabled, users won't be able to access the editor to SoundCloud embed when adding or editing an audio entry because there's no point in embedding SoundCloud in that case.
  • Enable YouTube Music tab
    • If it's disabled, users won't be able to access the editor to YouTube Music embed when adding or editing an audio entry because there's no point in embedding YouTube Music in that case.
  • Enable Spotify button
    • Enable or disable the Spotify Button Link on the Profile Audio view.
    • If it's disabled, users won't be able to access the input field for the Spotify Button Link when adding or editing an audio entry because there's no point in linking a Spotify track in that case.
  • Enable Apple Music button
    • Enable or disable the Apple Music Button Link on the Profile Audio view.
    • If it's disabled, users won't be able to access the input field for the Apple Music Button Link when adding or editing an audio entry because there's no point in linking a Apple Music track in that case.
  • Enable SoundCloud button
    • Enable or disable the SoundCloud Button Link on the Profile Audio view.
    • If it's disabled, users won't be able to access the input field for the SoundCloud Button Link when adding or editing an audio entry because there's no point in linking a SoundCloud track in that case.
  • Enable YouTube Music button
    • Enable or disable the YouTube Music Button Link on the Profile Audio view.
    • If it's disabled, users won't be able to access the input field for the YouTube Music Button Link when adding or editing an audio entry because there's no point in linking a YouTube Music track in that case.
  • Profile Audio Player
    • The player now verifies the presence of attached audio files or direct audio links. If any entries are added without audio attachments or links, they will not be listed for playback.
    • Various minor adjustments.
    • Font Awesome <i class> tags now changed to <xf:fa> tags.
  • Share Tooltip
    • Share this audio tooltip is now linked to the audio.
  • Tabbed Admin Options
    • As we continue to add more options, we are organizing and grouping them to make it easier for admins to find what they need:
      • General options
      • Player options
      • Buttons options
      • Tabs options
      • Listeners options
      • Library options
      • Extras
  • Download Button
    • Now checks for the presence of attached audio files or direct audio links. If any entries are added without audio attachments or links, the download button will not be displayed.
  • [New permission] View audio tracks
    • We've introduced a new user group permission tailored for viewing audio tracks. This permission applies to various scenarios, including:
      • Viewing audio tracks
      • Viewing audio tracks in the Library
      • Viewing audio tracks in widgets
      • Viewing audio tracks on the What's New page
      • Viewing audio tracks on search results
  • [New permission] Listen to audio tracks
    • We've added a new user group permission specifically for listening to audio tracks on track view pages. Without this permission, users can still access audio tracks, but the track player won't be available for listening to the audio.
  • [Change] View profile audio player
    • This permission now exclusively applies to the profile audio player only.
  • There are many other things that we've not written yet 🤦‍♂️

We're also working on adding the comments system, but we're not sure if we'll be able to finish it before the deadline. In any case, we're aiming to include it in the 2.1.x series.
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More Updates:​

Currently the View profile audio player permission worked everywhere, Now, in 2.1, you have more control to create private or exclusive groups with audio listening access, keeping the rest of the world unable to access it.
  • [New permission] View audio tracks
    • We've introduced a new user group permission for viewing audio tracks. This permission applies to various scenarios, including:
      • Viewing audio tracks
      • Viewing audio tracks in the Library
      • Viewing audio tracks in widgets
      • Viewing audio tracks on the What's New page
      • Viewing audio tracks on search results
  • [New permission] Listen to audio tracks
    • We've added a new user group permission specifically for listening to audio tracks on track view pages. Without this permission, users can still access audio tracks, but the track player won't be available for listening.
  • [Change] View profile audio player
    • This permission now exclusively applies to the (user) profile audio player only.
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Is there a way to integrate this add-on with Themehouse/Audentio FEEDS add-on? So that when a user adds a song to their player perhaps it mentions it in the feed. If it pushes that to what's new it may already appear in feeds...will have to test once I can upgrade to the latest version
Is there a way to integrate this add-on with Themehouse/Audentio FEEDS add-on? So that when a user adds a song to their player perhaps it mentions it in the feed. If it pushes that to what's new it may already appear in feeds...will have to test once I can upgrade to the latest version
I'll need to check the feeds add-on, and I guess it might not work automatically with this. When you upgrade, please remind me.


We're excited to share what we've been working on since the release of version 2, and there are some new features we haven't talked about yet. Version 2.1 is all set, and we're getting ready to release it.

Because it's a big update, that includes new features and many changes to existing functionality, we're being careful to avoid any problems with the upgrades. We need to do some final tests, like installing it fresh and upgrading from v2.0.4 and even from v1.0.3.

It should be out today! 😊
I'll need to check the feeds add-on, and I guess it might not work automatically with this. When you upgrade, please remind me.

I'm reminding you, friend! :D

Hey let me ask also, @Veer --- I kind of remember reading somewhere that since I am upgrading from version 1.0.3 to 2.0.4 ... do I need to check

"Overwrite existing files for add-on rebuilds / upgrades By default only the changed files will be copied from the add-on archive. To overwrite all existing files check this option."

tick box to overwrite the original build for this particular upgrade? I thought I saw somewhere we did and did not want to install until after I asked.

Thank you!
Hey let me ask also, @Veer --- I kind of remember reading somewhere that since I am upgrading from version 1.0.3 to 2.0.4 ... do I need to check

"Overwrite existing files for add-on rebuilds / upgrades By default only the changed files will be copied from the add-on archive. To overwrite all existing files check this option."

tick box to overwrite the original build for this particular upgrade? I thought I saw somewhere we did and did not want to install until after I asked.

Thank you!
yeah must overwrite existing files :)
Hey there, @Veer , so I have a couple of questions with the update. I've noticed, as mentioned above, that when you EMBED a link from Spotify (for example) it only plays a short clip. That aside, the process to embed that link is going to be confusing for many, many website users. If I didn't know to go into the editor and look for the 'add media' icon and do it that way -- I'd never have gotten it. For future development, it would be VERY useful if any "embed" option fields linked directly to media embed without end user interaction.

I don't understand the functionality of the 'audio platform buttons.' Playing with them myself, I went ahead and put a link to a song from Apple Music into the "Apple music button link" -- which I say did create a button on the player which when clicked went to that link on Apple's music site -- however the idea of a profile music player would be to keep the users listening in our community rather than going offsite to listen ... I'd think?

The only other thing, which relates more to me personally than others perhaps is the "audio library" page. My navigation is too full sadly, so I had to disable that from public navigation. It would be great if there were a small link or the ability to have a small link under the player that would take a user to the audio library page.

Other than that, I am finding when I put a URL in the "Provide a link to the audio file" field that almost nothing plays. I've only been able to able to get music to play there that is either uploaded directly or linked to an .MP3 -- with that being said, we have to assume the end users know nothing about how anything works ;)

I don't know what anyone else feels, but maybe it would be useful to have that link there and beneath it showcase what file types are supported or allowed and then beneath that have the area for media embeds from the various sites ideally as a simply field you can paste a link into rather than part of the XF editor??

This is an awesome add-on for communities ...and it's developing well; I just think it would help to move forward growth wise assuming the end user has no idea how to do anything, doesn't know what we know, and to make it as simple as possible for them to use.

Is there going to be a way to get around the 30 second sounds clips from sites like Spotify?

....sorry for the long message! :(
I've noticed, as mentioned above, that when you EMBED a link from Spotify (for example) it only plays a short clip. That aside, the process to embed that link is going to be confusing for many, many website users. If I didn't know to go into the editor and look for the 'add media' icon and do it that way -- I'd never have gotten it. For future development, it would be VERY useful if any "embed" option fields linked directly to media embed without end user interaction.
Right before releasing v2.1.0, we made a last-minute addition based on your feedback. Would this be helpful to you?


I don't understand the functionality of the 'audio platform buttons.' Playing with them myself, I went ahead and put a link to a song from Apple Music into the "Apple music button link" -- which I say did create a button on the player which when clicked went to that link on Apple's music site -- however the idea of a profile music player would be to keep the users listening in our community rather than going offsite to listen ... I'd think?
The button feature is optional (can be disabled in v2.1.0) and was requested by a customer to provide links to their audio platform publication where they are selling the track. So it's as designed.

The only other thing, which relates more to me personally than others perhaps is the "audio library" page. My navigation is too full sadly, so I had to disable that from public navigation. It would be great if there were a small link or the ability to have a small link under the player that would take a user to the audio library page.
Noted for future update.

Other than that, I am finding when I put a URL in the "Provide a link to the audio file" field that almost nothing plays. I've only been able to able to get music to play there that is either uploaded directly or linked to an .MP3 -- with that being said, we have to assume the end users know nothing about how anything works ;)

I don't know what anyone else feels, but maybe it would be useful to have that link there and beneath it showcase what file types are supported or allowed and then beneath that have the area for media embeds from the various sites ideally as a simply field you can paste a link into rather than part of the XF editor??
In v2.1.0, it has been improved. However, I've taken note of the idea to place the accepted file formats just below the field, and it's likely to be addressed in a future version.

Is there going to be a way to get around the 30 second sounds clips from sites like Spotify?
Unfortunately, not at the moment.

This is an awesome add-on for communities ...and it's developing well; I just think it would help to move forward growth wise assuming the end user has no idea how to do anything, doesn't know what we know, and to make it as simple as possible for them to use.

Is there going to be a way to get around the 30 second sounds clips from sites like Spotify?

....sorry for the long message! :(
Always loved your feedback, and we'll keep improving to make it easier for users. 😊👍
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Veer updated [XenCustomize] Profile Audio Player & Library - Music and Lyrics with a new update entry:

2.1.0 - Advanced Comments System, Mini Player, Subscribe, Subtitles, Multiple Genres and more!

📣 Exciting News:​

Profile Audio Player v2.1 Is Here! 🎉

In response to the valuable feedback we've received and examining how customers have used the add-on, we've made significant changes and reevaluated how things worked in 2.0. As a result, we proudly present version 2.1.

Today, we're super excited to introduce you to Profile Audio Player v2.1.0! We've been working hard on this, and it's packed with awesome new features and improvements that take...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Right before releasing v2.1.0, we made a last-minute addition based on your feedback. Would this be helpful to you?

View attachment 292563

The button feature is optional (can be disabled in v2.1.0) and was requested by a customer to provide links to their audio platform publication where they are selling the track. So it's as designed.

Noted for future update.

In v2.1.0, it has been improved. However, I've taken note of the idea to place the accepted file formats just below the field, and it's likely to be addressed in a future version.

Unfortunately, not at the moment.

Always loved your feedback, and we'll keep improving to make it easier for users. 😊👍

@Veer thank you for going through that long list and understanding that it was not a list of negatives! I appreciate your thoughtfulness and responses.

I think the changes you've made to the link areas should help some! About to test it out as I have a member on my forums who is in love with this addition to the profiles area.

I understand about the button feature now; makes sense.

I do think showing accepted file formats will make a BIG difference, though, as you've noted above.

What can we do to help with that limitation on music playing from those sites like Spotify? Is it something that could be managed through an API? I'm sure that's no easy task as every music provider has their own requirements and such.

What would be absolutely amazing :) (🙏 feature request from my end!) would be if it were able to play icecast/shoutcast streams through the URL function (for internet radio stations) --- speaking of that, may I email you about a possible enhancement/dev request?

A N Y W A Y S .... I love this, my users love it and I look forward to growing with this add-on and watching it continue to develop and offer communities ways to come together.

Love it man..thanks for all your hard work!! ❤️
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