XenCentral Invitation & Paid Registration System

XenCentral Invitation & Paid Registration System [Paid] 1.6.0

No permission to buy (€34.99)
I purchased the invite system some years ago and I am keen on using the paid registration system to reduce spam.

Can you please advise how this add-on works with Tapatalk? Are users redirected to the sign up page or shown a message about having to sign up?

Unfortunately our tests have shown, that Tapatalk API completely ignores the default registration system code, doesn't use the class extension system there and registers the users on it's own way. This definitely affects invite-only private communities. Not sure how much it is relevant for your case, when only anti-spam protection is needed, as Tapatalk users should already have their anti-spam check passed when they register to Tapatalk, and without registering in their app they can't register in your forum.

We are looking for ways to implement support for Tapatalk as well and will publish here the solution once we find one.

Thank you!
Unfortunately our tests have shown, that Tapatalk API completely ignores the default registration system code, doesn't use the class extension system there and registers the users on it's own way. This definitely affects invite-only private communities. Not sure how much it is relevant for your case, when only anti-spam protection is needed, as Tapatalk users should already have their anti-spam check passed when they register to Tapatalk, and without registering in their app they can't register in your forum.

We are looking for ways to implement support for Tapatalk as well and will publish here the solution once we find one.

Thank you!

Thanks for getting back to me.

From a forum owner's point of view, I would be happy to remove Tapatalk immediately if it was not playing nice with XenForo and it stopped me from using certain plugins.

From a user's point of view, I understand why some of my members like the app. It provides a much smoother and faster user experience than browsing the responsive version of Xenforo. Additionally, users who post on a lot of discussion forums can check activity on multiple forums from the one place.

At this point in time, I may still use XenCentral's Paid Registration system. I will discuss the issue with staff and make a decision :)
XCentral updated XenCentral Invitation & Paid Registration System with a new update entry:

XenCentral Invitation & Paid Registration System version 1.5.1 released

Hello everyone,

this is the next release of XenCentral Invitation & Paid Registration System, that implements partial support for Tapatalk app. Tapatalk app is native phone/tablet application allowing users to browser your forums on their devices, and unfortunately doesn't allow any interface enhancements using addon system, therefor all we could do was just to show an error when someone tries to register via the app, that they should register using web interface. The message shown can be...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Thanks for getting back to me.

From a forum owner's point of view, I would be happy to remove Tapatalk immediately if it was not playing nice with XenForo and it stopped me from using certain plugins.

From a user's point of view, I understand why some of my members like the app. It provides a much smoother and faster user experience than browsing the responsive version of Xenforo. Additionally, users who post on a lot of discussion forums can check activity on multiple forums from the one place.

At this point in time, I may still use XenCentral's Paid Registration system. I will discuss the issue with staff and make a decision :)

Please check the latest release now. Implementing an error/message and preventing app registration was all we could implement due to mobile app API/UI limitations. Hopefully it will become possible to implement more features of our addon for Tapatalk in the future.

Thank you!
I have just upgraded to the paid registration system and installed it on my forum.

There are some things I need to get addressed.

Firstly, I do not like the "Invitation System by XenCentral.com" link that is added to the footer of my forum upon activating this plugin. This is a paid product so I don't think this should be there. There is no option to remove this link. Can you please advise how I remove this from my website.

Secondly, and more importantly, I cannot see anything about charging members to register.

I have activated the paid registration system and added a package that asks for $10. Despite this, I am not seeing any reference to a payment on the XenForo sign up page. None at all.

Here is what I need:
  • New members to be charged $10 before they can sign up to my forum
  • The invite system to be disabled
  • If the invite system cannot be completely disabled, invites should be restricted to admin and moderators
Is it possible to speak to someone quickly via online chat such as Google+ or Skype so that I can get this resolved. I suspect this is something you can resolve very quickly.

I think the add-on is still not compatible with other 3rd party add-ons. Showcase, Resource Manager, etc.

Can you please provide which incompatibility you mean? This addon handles only registration process, after registration users can use any addons installed. There are no known incompatibility issues with any addon.

I have just upgraded to the paid registration system and installed it on my forum.

There are some things I need to get addressed.

Firstly, I do not like the "Invitation System by XenCentral.com" link that is added to the footer of my forum upon activating this plugin. This is a paid product so I don't think this should be there. There is no option to remove this link. Can you please advise how I remove this from my website.

Secondly, and more importantly, I cannot see anything about charging members to register.

I have activated the paid registration system and added a package that asks for $10. Despite this, I am not seeing any reference to a payment on the XenForo sign up page. None at all.

Here is what I need:
  • New members to be charged $10 before they can sign up to my forum
  • The invite system to be disabled
  • If the invite system cannot be completely disabled, invites should be restricted to admin and moderators
Is it possible to speak to someone quickly via online chat such as Google+ or Skype so that I can get this resolved. I suspect this is something you can resolve very quickly.


You can order Branding Removal for 25 EUR additional payment at https://customers.dnf.technology/cart.php?gid=addons (make sure to login to your account to see relevant items).

If properly setup the addon should show purchase options instead of registration page. We will update your ticket now with information needed to check the issue.

The addon has permission "Can Use System". Set to Yes only for admins, moderators and guests (as guests use the system during registration and when they follow an invitation link).

Thank you!
You can order Branding Removal for 25 EUR additional payment at https://customers.dnf.technology/cart.php?gid=addons (make sure to login to your account to see relevant items).

If properly setup the addon should show purchase options instead of registration page. We will update your ticket now with information needed to check the issue.

The addon has permission "Can Use System". Set to Yes only for admins, moderators and guests (as guests use the system during registration and when they follow an invitation link).

Thank you!

Ahh ok. I didn't realise the plugin was branded. I will pay for branding removal once the plugin has been configured.

I updated the ticket with login details so that you can check my settings.
I responded a few days ago to the ticket. I've removed branding and I believe it is working now (though I still have to test payment).

One thing that still needs addressed is the error that appears when you click on the manual payments link.

Server Error
Invalid model 'XenCentral_Framework_Model_PaymentApi' specified

  1. XenForo_Model::create() in XenForo/Controller.php at line 101
  2. XenForo_Controller->getModelFromCache() in XenCentral/Framework/ControllerAdmin/Framework.php at line 485
  3. XenCentral_Framework_ControllerAdmin_Framework->_getPaymentApiModel() in XenCentral/Framework/ControllerAdmin/Framework.php at line 24
  4. XenCentral_Framework_ControllerAdmin_Framework->actionPaymentList() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351
  5. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  6. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /........../public_html/admin.php at line 13
I responded a few days ago to the ticket. I've removed branding and I believe it is working now (though I still have to test payment).

One thing that still needs addressed is the error that appears when you click on the manual payments link.

Server Error
Invalid model 'XenCentral_Framework_Model_PaymentApi' specified

  1. XenForo_Model::create() in XenForo/Controller.php at line 101
  2. XenForo_Controller->getModelFromCache() in XenCentral/Framework/ControllerAdmin/Framework.php at line 485
  3. XenCentral_Framework_ControllerAdmin_Framework->_getPaymentApiModel() in XenCentral/Framework/ControllerAdmin/Framework.php at line 24
  4. XenCentral_Framework_ControllerAdmin_Framework->actionPaymentList() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351
  5. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  6. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /........../public_html/admin.php at line 13

Please download and upgrade XenCentral Framework v. 1.4.0 from your Client's Area and try again.

Thank you!
Please download and upgrade XenCentral Framework v. 1.4.0 from your Client's Area and try again.

Thank you!

Installed. I'm still getting errors.

Server Error
Invalid model 'XenCentral_Framework_Model_PaymentApi' specified

  1. XenForo_Model::create() in XenForo/Controller.php at line 101
  2. XenForo_Controller->getModelFromCache() in XenCentral/Framework/ControllerAdmin/Framework.php at line 674
  3. XenCentral_Framework_ControllerAdmin_Framework->_getPaymentApiModel() in XenCentral/Framework/ControllerAdmin/Framework.php at line 51
  4. XenCentral_Framework_ControllerAdmin_Framework->actionPaymentList() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351
  5. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  6. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /.........../public_html/admin.php at line 13
Installed. I'm still getting errors.

Server Error
Invalid model 'XenCentral_Framework_Model_PaymentApi' specified

  1. XenForo_Model::create() in XenForo/Controller.php at line 101
  2. XenForo_Controller->getModelFromCache() in XenCentral/Framework/ControllerAdmin/Framework.php at line 674
  3. XenCentral_Framework_ControllerAdmin_Framework->_getPaymentApiModel() in XenCentral/Framework/ControllerAdmin/Framework.php at line 51
  4. XenCentral_Framework_ControllerAdmin_Framework->actionPaymentList() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351
  5. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  6. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /.........../public_html/admin.php at line 13

Thank you for the report. We have finally reproduced the issue and fixed it. The new version of Framewok is being uploaded right now, please check back in some minutes and apply the 1.4.1 version you will find in your Client's Area.

Thank you!
Thanks for the update. The manual payments page now states:

There are no payments to show.

Yes, that's the expected output. If you will enable manual payments in Framework configuration, and users will pay you using the payment details you will provide, then you will see the payment list with unique ID users will provide you with, and will be able to confirm the payment. This will trigger the action needed (e.g. activating user account).

If you are not going to use manual payments, you don't need this pages at all, just configure PayPal in XenForo options and users will be able to pay via PayPal.

Thank you!
Thanks for clarifying.

Everything seems to be working well now. It has effectively stopped spam as spammers don't like to spend money :)
I just noticed a major problem with my setup.

In any Xenforo forum, when someone clicks to login on the login page and hadn't entered any details the user is redirected to wwww.forum.com/login/login

That is not happening on my forum. Instead, they are redirected to www.forum.com/invite/purchase and an error message stats "Sorry, this is an invite-only community and you can not register without valid invitation link".

I am not activating the paid invite system. I only want users to pay a sign up fee on registration.

On closer inspection, the packages have been removed. There is not even an option to view packages or add them.

This may have been caused when I updated to XenCentral Framework 1.4.1.

Here is how the menu currently looks with no packages.

Last edited:
I just noticed a major problem with my setup.

In any Xenforo forum, when someone clicks to login on the login page and hadn't entered any details the user is redirected to wwww.forum.com/login/login

That is not happening on my forum. Instead, they are redirected to www.forum.com/invite/purchase and an error message stats "Sorry, this is an invite-only community and you can not register without valid invitation link".

I am not activating the paid invite system. I only want users to pay a sign up fee on registration.

On closer inspection, the packages have been removed. There is not even an option to view packages or add them.

This may have been caused when I updated to XenCentral Framework 1.4.1.

Here is how the menu currently looks with no packages.

View attachment 137682

At first, it seems you have selected "Free Invite System" option in product's options page, that's why all package options are removed. They are not actually removed, just hidden, so just switch the option back to "Paid Registration/Invites System" and the packages will appear again. Basically, in Free Invite System users have unlimited invites to send, and registration page is accessible only via an invitation link. Any direct link will show the message "Sorry, this is an invite-only community and you can not register without valid invitation link.". This option is usable for free, but closed communities.

If a user clicks Login button with empty password, they do see the page URL login/login, but the page content is registration page. This is why our product kicks-in and replaces the registration page with its own page to show registration packages first. You just see the message due to the fact, that you have disabled registration packages, and left invite-only registration. So, after enabling the packages user will see package selection instead of registration form, which is the expected behavior in this case.

As I see, you don't want any registered users to send-out any invites. In this case you can just create packages for "Unregstiered" usergroup only, and disable all options that add links/tab to invite system section from product's settings page (the option Add Navigation Tab and below).

Please let us know your thoughts.

Thank you!
At first, it seems you have selected "Free Invite System" option in product's options page, that's why all package options are removed. They are not actually removed, just hidden, so just switch the option back to "Paid Registration/Invites System" and the packages will appear again. Basically, in Free Invite System users have unlimited invites to send, and registration page is accessible only via an invitation link. Any direct link will show the message "Sorry, this is an invite-only community and you can not register without valid invitation link.". This option is usable for free, but closed communities.

If a user clicks Login button with empty password, they do see the page URL login/login, but the page content is registration page. This is why our product kicks-in and replaces the registration page with its own page to show registration packages first. You just see the message due to the fact, that you have disabled registration packages, and left invite-only registration. So, after enabling the packages user will see package selection instead of registration form, which is the expected behavior in this case.

As I see, you don't want any registered users to send-out any invites. In this case you can just create packages for "Unregstiered" usergroup only, and disable all options that add links/tab to invite system section from product's settings page (the option Add Navigation Tab and below).

Please let us know your thoughts.

Thank you!

No the paid/registration option is enabled. I haven't touched any settings since you configured it. The only thing I did was install XenCentral framework. It resolved the manual payments error but I suspect it caused this problem.

See the attachment below.

I disabled the product via the options area and then enabled it again while keeping the paid registration setting enabled.

When I re-enabled the product the packages link reappeared. Unfortunately, it is still not working.

When I click on packages I see this error.

Server Error

  1. XenCentral_InviteSystem_ControllerAdmin_PurchaseRule->_preDispatch() in XenForo/Controller.php at line 311
  2. XenForo_Controller->preDispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 350
  3. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  4. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /....../public_html/admin.php at line 13
I disabled the product via the options area and then enabled it again while keeping the paid registration setting enabled.

When I re-enabled the product the packages link reappeared. Unfortunately, it is still not working.

When I click on packages I see this error.

Server Error

  1. XenCentral_InviteSystem_ControllerAdmin_PurchaseRule->_preDispatch() in XenForo/Controller.php at line 311
  2. XenForo_Controller->preDispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 350
  3. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  4. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /....../public_html/admin.php at line 13

It seems the installation is broken somehow. Can you please just download the latest version of Invitation and Paid Registration System from Client's Area again and re-upload the files and re-import the XML file? This should solve the problem. If you still have it, please update your ticket with FTP and Admin Panel details and we will check the issue ourselves and apply a definitive fix.

Thank you!
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