XenBase - PixelExit.com

XenBase - PixelExit.com [Paid] 2.2.14

No permission to buy ($40.00)
I am thinking between XenBase and Bolt. Both of them are looking very good and at the beginning I was nearly to buy the second one, but...

Using your Bolt's demo I have found some strange behavior of Reactions received site located inside of user account. The content of this page is aligned to the left leaving some space on the right side. And of course, what a pity, that Bolt have no dark style, so maybe it is better to choose XenBase. I will think of it :)

I'm not quite sure I understand the issue on the page, it appears to display fine for me. Can you post a screenshot of what you're seeing?

Also, Bolt has a dark version :)

Hey, Russ.

Yes, the Bolt has dark version, but XenBase do not. Sorry it was my mistake.

When it comes to the issue I have noticed with Bolt, since there is no thread about this theme, I reported it on your forum.
Is there still no plan for a repair of all your styles?

Some time ago I gave you information saying that there was a problem with all your styles because there is an unexpected behavior with the canvas:

To view this content we will need your consent to set third party cookies.
For more detailed information, see our cookies page.

To reproduce:
Clicking outside the browser, returning to the browser by clicking anywhere on your site, minimizing the browser will take you back to the bottom of the page.

This is not a problem coming from me because on your demonstration site there is this problem, all the sites having your themes do it also and I tried with a lot of browser on Windows and MacOS and the problem is still there .

I find it a shame not to want to correct this problem because they are really interesting especially with the canvas.
Is there still no plan for a repair of all your styles?
Not sure where you're getting that from, just fixed a few bugs in the past week. This is honestly such an oddball thing that has only been reported by you and isn't really normal behaviour. I can't quite recall where we had that conversation.

Resizing default XF style even causes oddities with the responsive navigation that doesn't correct itself until you refresh the page. I really don't see users sitting there resizing the page like this over and over.

That being said, I've logged it officially into my bug reports to investigate further.
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Not sure where you're getting that from, just fixed a few bugs in the past week. This is honestly such an oddball thing that has only been reported by you and isn't really normal behaviour. I can't quite recall where we had that conversation.

Resizing default XF style even causes oddities with the responsive navigation that doesn't correct itself until you refresh the page. I really don't see users sitting there resizing the page like this over and over.

That being said, I've logged it officially into my bug reports to investigate further.
Indeed, this is not normal behavior and I don't see users doing this on purpose either.

Personally, being in dual screen, this problem is really a headache because let's say I want to change my web browser screen, that means I have to go back to the top of my page each time.

I think a single screen user would see this problem reduced but this is the number 1 cause (and the only one) that I can't use your styles for.

I also recognize that XenForo has problems which are corrected after refreshing the page but these are not annoying problems or which only affect a very small population.
So @ratix_gunz in your original report you had to click the canvas toggle first to make this problem happen. Is that still the case? I can't seem to reproduce it other wise. That toggle step was left out in the video, which is why I was asking.

Looking back at the original report, you had to:

  1. Click the canvas toggle to collapse the menu
  2. Reduce the window size

After further digging, this is actually easily reproduced in the default XenForo style. If you edit PAGE_CONTAINER, around line 139, insert this basic toggle:

<xf:fa icon="fa-bars" class="button" data-xf-click="toggle" data-active-class="activeBug" data-target=".p-pageWrapper" />

It's standard XF functionality, nothing crazy.

Here it is in action:

So this will not be a problem specific to our styles. I'll work on a bug report and let XF decide if it's worth pursuing.
I know I'm a little fast but couldn't wait to install the new XF update.
It seems PAGE_CONTAINER needs an update after the XF 2.2.12 update ;) (y)
I know I'm a little fast but couldn't wait to install the new XF update.
It seems PAGE_CONTAINER needs an update after the XF 2.2.12 update ;) (y)

I'm just getting my coffee!

This one is easy. Official updates rolling out shortly, but if you want to add the new cookie link and get rid of the outdated template:

Open PAGE_CONTAINER on the parent style (yes, the one that says DO NOT EDIT).

Click into the editor and open the search (ctrl-f). Search for:

<xf:if is="$xf.visitor.canChangeStyle()">

Add this code right above:

                        <xf:if is="$xf.cookieConsent.getMode() == 'advanced'">
                            <li><a href="{{ link('misc/cookies') }}" rel="nofollow"
                                data-xf-init="tooltip" title="{{ phrase('cookie_consent')|for_attr }}"
                                <xf:fa icon="fa-cookie" /> {{ phrase('cookie_consent_label') }}

The code placement will look like this (don't mind the red, it's just the positioning I'm pointing out).



You'll need to repeat this step on your child style if you have an edited PAGE_CONTAINER.

While MERGE will work on your child styles, PAGE_CONTAINER is pretty different on our parent styles I usually don't recommend it for that template.
side by side nodes in your style?

Hello, we have a simple dual column option yes. We also have an option where you can define a specific category(or multiple) to have dual column while the rest have the traditional view. This could be useful where one category may have 2 nodes and another one has a lot.
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