Xen Product Manager [Deleted]

Thanks Chris, also, can it currently be used for making a single one off purchase, where I don't actually need a licence associated with it?
It's still called a license, but, yes. The licenses can be permanent, and not require renewal. You can also specify that it doesn't require "activation" (that's the process like with XF where you have to give your license a URL and title).

So that purchase will still be stored under the "Active Licenses" section, but it never expires and is active and ready to download as soon as it is purchased.
For some reason, sometimes I decide to add license of a product as a gift to all users or users of a special usergroup.
Is there any plan to add this? Would be so useful in some cases.
This addon looks very promising. I have two questions, @Chris D .
  • I would like to sell digital documents. Can also guests/anonymous users buy these documents from Xen product manager or do they have to register first?
  • Do you plan a kind of affiliate option for your addon so that one can allow users to sell their own digital goods and receive a commission?
  • Unfortunately guest purchases aren't supported.
  • I think there have been similar suggestions. I'll consider it.
We want to reassign a product to another user. Isn't it possible?
I searched but couldn't find anything. Any way please?

It's just a case of deleting or expiring the existing license and creating a new one for the new user and adjusting the dates.
It's just a case of deleting or expiring the existing license and creating a new one for the new user and adjusting the dates.
No. I don't mean the license. The product itself. Just like when we can reassign a resource to another one, we need now to reassign a product to another one.
There's no way to do that.

The only way would be to update the user ID and username in the xenproduct_product table.
Hello @Chris D . I am looking for a product manager addon for my website/forum. We are a community of MC riders that sells physical items such as clothes, bike gear etc.. Would this addon turn out to be to OP for my site, or do you think i could properly manage physical items with your software? Would love to hear back from you :)
It isn't really geared around physical items unfortunately. I would therefore recommend one of the other add-ons. I believe there's a few that handle physical items.
How often do people have customers saying that they have placed an order (with evidence from an email or screenshot of the order being placed) but there is no record of that order in XPM or in your Paypal records?
Never. Sometimes XPM doesn't update but you've had the PayPal info. This is due to delays in the PayPal notification system.

You should definitely at least have some confirmation from PayPal for the purchase to be valid.
@Chris D - I took just a little bit of time and created some code and a page to list all of the sales. Maybe this is a starting point for building a sales report page for your add-on.

class TRN_XenProduct_Model_Sales {

    public static function salesQuery(XenForo_ControllerPublic_Abstract $controller, XenForo_ControllerResponse_Abstract &$response)

        $salesQuery = XenForo_Application::get('db')->fetchAll("
                SELECT license_id, license_price, purchase_date
                FROM `xenproduct_license`
                WHERE license_state = 'active' AND license_price != 0
                ORDER BY `purchase_date` ASC");

        $response->params['licenses'] = $salesQuery;


Then the page $license.purchase_date may be adjusted.

<xen:foreach loop="$licenses" value="$license" i="$i" count="$count">

     <xen:if is="{$license.purchase_date} >= 1425196800">

         {$i}: {$license.license_id} - {xen:datetime $license.purchase_date, html} - {$license.license_price}
          <br />



Total count = {$count}

<xen:require css="xenproduct_license_index.css" />

<xen:if is="{$licenses}">
    <ol class="licenseList">
        <xen:foreach loop="$licenses" value="$license">
            <xen:include template="xenproduct_license_list_item" />
<xen:else />
    <div class="section">{xen:phrase xenproduct_no_licenses_could_be_found}</div>

This is very simple and lists the sales quickly and easily but it's the base for building a report. For example, I've always wanted to be able to compare 2014, 2015, and 2016 sales for the month of May.

I hope this helps - and maybe someone can look at this and quickly make suggestions for the report page to be better. :)
@LPH I've actually started writing some reporting bits which directly query the paypal transaction log to build a list of line items, with total gross revenue, fees, income post-fees.

I'm planning on bundling all of this into a "Product Manager Essentials" add-on which will do reporting (including per country revenue reporting) and also some stuff like allowing products to be only viewable to a list of user groups.
I'm planning on bundling all of this into a "Product Manager Essentials" add-on which will do reporting

Fantastic. My work was only to get a quick report so a set of reports would be nice. I hope you keep in mind the idea for being able to compare Year-To-Date, Month-To-Month, and Same month Year-To-Year as well as Quarter-To-Quarter. Plus, it would be nice to have graphs. :)
@LPH I've actually started writing some reporting bits which directly query the paypal transaction log to build a list of line items, with total gross revenue, fees, income post-fees.

I'm planning on bundling all of this into a "Product Manager Essentials" add-on which will do reporting (including per country revenue reporting) and also some stuff like allowing products to be only viewable to a list of user groups.
If you're open for other suggestions, Categories please :)
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