Xen Notices [Deleted]

Hello Chris, I've purchased this addon in January, but I lost the email, where can I download it?
My email is hi@{rafass}.com (without {})
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi Chris, really great addon, thanks!

Any chance to also get "[...] does NOT come from a search engine"? I'd really need this as guests coming from a search engine might need another type of notification :)
All of the criteria is just the default criteria from XF. None is added by Notifications itself.

With that in mind, you'd be after a general XF add on that adds additional criteria. That criteria would then be able to be used with Notifications, Notices, Trophies, User Promotions etc.
Hi Chris,

Thanks for the very nice add-on and the prior help. With just a few tweaks, I have it configured *almost* the way I need it now. I still would like to make the notifications modal by adding something like this beneath them:

#gritter-modal-pad {
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
z-index: 999;
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .6);

The idea is that this would be beneath #gritter-notice-wrapper but above the remainder of the forums. Can you suggest where/how I can instantiate this? I took a stab at modifying your file jquery.gritter.js, but I don't know js well (or...at all). It didn't break but it didn't do what I needed. Thanks for your help.

You might have to explain a little bit more about what you're trying to do.

Obviously you can't put CSS in JS so I assume there's some HTML too?
I'm using this to ask registered users to accept new Terms of Use before proceeding. For new users, the default registration process already requires this. My use is for the case where Terms of Use changes.

Changes so far:
1. Tweak the size and position of the notification via changes in Gritter.css template
2. Change "Dismiss Notification" to "I Accept" by adding a phrase and changing the reference to it in GritterNotifications template
3. Eliminate the temporary dismissal (X) in upper right by removing it from jquery.gritter.js. (Unchecking the "Enable Temporary Dismissal" box in Notification Options did not seem to work.)

So...small stuff and its almost there. I also like (actually the lawyers will like) that you track the userid, notification id, and date of dismissal. I can export that using phpadmin.

The last change I would like is to lock out normal forum access while the notification is up. Making the notification modal by putting up a semi-transparent layer beneath it seems right. Yes there's probably some html with it but I don't know where to put it!

Ok, I understand better now.

As a solution this is a bit... hmm... but hey, it works.

The first thing you need to do is find out the notification ID of the notification the semi-transparent layer needs to apply to.

You can see it in the URL when you're editing the Notification.

Next, you need to find the GritterNotifications template in your Admin CP for each style usable by your users and find:

<xen:if is="{$notification.active} AND {$notification.valid}">

Below that add:

Rich (BB code):
<xen:if is="{$notificationId} == 9999">
            top: 0;
            left: 0;
            right: 0;
            bottom: 0;
            z-index: 999;
            background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .6);

Change the 9999 to the notification ID it should apply to. Save the template.

Whenever that notification is displayed, now, it should also display the semi transparent layer between the page content and notification.
Is it okay that notifications are shown even if I did not set any radio box in user group rights (everything still "grey")?

What is "Can view notifications by anyone" for?
In the user options this "Notifications" block is inserted before custom user fields. That look a bit strange since it has a "Notifications" headline.

I guess it would be better to place the "Notifications" block ("reactivate dissmissed notifications") at the very bottom?
I first and foremost apologize as I do not wish to look thru 88 pages of discussion.

My question is this: Can this be used instead of the Xenforo notification system?
All of the features are in the resource description.

It can be used instead of, or in addition to Notices.
So the answer is no.

Thanks for your response. Appreciate it.

The answer is yes.

You can use the notifications add on instead of the built in XenForo notices system by not creating any notices via the XenForo system and unticking the following option if you want to:


And then just use the one by Chris.
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