Xen Media Gallery (Media Gallery for XenForo) [Paid] [Deleted]

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What's the new block code to post vids in my forum list sidebar?

The one I'm using no longer works.

The problem I feel with that approach is it more often than not would lead to an increase in the number if empty albums.

What is the particular use case of being able to create an album with no media in it?

Was just thinking from an organised uploading point of view, create albums for "123", "abc", "321", etc, in advance and then upload to them.
I guess I'm thinking more from the perspective of someone who uses folder structures for storing things locally and on cloud storage.
The first thing I went to do on my media page was try and add a album so I could see what the options were.... Perhaps the issue is me trying to use XMG like windows which is wrong - create folder > add contents ;)

I can imagine joe public might well end up with a few empty albums on some users, which on a busy forum I expect would be a really bad thing for a database.
French translation started !
Please ensure you distribute only the language phrases and NOT the entire add on XML.

That is not permitted nor is it the correct way to do things.

You should review your other language releases too.
It seems I thought I could move albums into categories etc but apparently not.

I would love it if you could create a category and move albums into that, not only media. With albums it gets more organized. With lots of randoms images it gets really cluttery.

For now I cannot use categories because albums are superior in keeping it tidy.
Albums were only introduced in XMG 2.0.

Before that, the only way to organise images was using Categories.

Some people prefer to use categories. Others prefer to use albums and some prefer both.

In 2.1 you can pretty much disable each one independently.

Categories being able to contain albums has been suggested for the future.
Yea I'm running 2.1 but just wanted to confirm that I couldn't add albums into categories.

Do you plan on adding that feature :)?

Either way I love the addon and as long as I have albums it's ok really. I run a Starbound server with a Forum so only starbound related media will be uploaded.
I wanted to have a category called "Other Games" and then albums but it's ok. I will simply continue using a forum category called Media and then subforum for screenshots that allows users to show other games media.
@Chris D -received this server error three times, not sure if its your add on or remnants of my old gallery?:

XenMediagallery Ver. 2.0.6

ErrorException: Argument 1 passed to XenGallery_Model_Category::prepareCategory() must be of the type array, boolean given, called in /home/admin/public_html/community/library/XenGallery/ControllerPublic/Media.php on line 2504 and defined - library/XenGallery/Model/Category.php:238
Generated By: angy, Today at 9:27 AM
Stack Trace
#0 /home/admin/public_html/community/library/XenGallery/Model/Category.php(238): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(4096, 'Argument 1 pass...', '/home/admin/pub...', 238, Array)
#1 /home/admin/public_html/community/library/XenGallery/ControllerPublic/Media.php(2504): XenGallery_Model_Category->prepareCategory(false)
#2 /home/admin/public_html/community/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(347): XenGallery_ControllerPublic_Media->actionLoadEditForm()
#3 /home/admin/public_html/community/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#4 /home/admin/public_html/community/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#5 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(67) "http://sphynxlair.com/community/index.php?xengallery/load-edit-form"
  ["_GET"] => array(1) {
    ["xengallery/load-edit-form"] => string(0) ""
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {
I want to build a tube like site section. Users should be able to upload videos, which are encoded and saved on the server.

Is it a good idea to use this addon as a basis or is it better to build a completely independent addon for video uploads?
Nothing is planned for 2.2 yet.

Give me a chance ;)

Also it's unlikely I will announce any features too far in advance of them actually being completed.

This is a perfect example.
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