Xen Media Gallery (Media Gallery for XenForo) [Paid] [Deleted]

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Would it be possible to auto resize pictures when uploading pictures in the user albums when 1.3 hits? Like say if it's bigger than 1.5 mb resize to 1.5mb.
Just purchased! I will be adding this to my other forum I am creating for now, but any updates on a Importer from Xenmedio so I can make the switch on my main cleaning forum?
Finally got the perfect use, and Chris, thank you. Works perfect now for the installation I chose it for. Easy to edit, changed a couple lines of CSS for my forum home, and looks perfect! Can't say enough. Allowing us to customize the way it appears on the forum home, making it look widescreen-esque... perfect. Cannot give you enough credit or thanks.

Can you check out my site on mobile? Some of my media (kicksterter embeds) is breaking out of its container.

Also, is there a way to keep my recent media previews above the forum list but hide it for mobile?
Any update on importing from the UserAlbums add-on?
It's in development :)


Will be released along with Xen Media Gallery 1.3.
It's in development :)


Will be released along with Xen Media Gallery 1.3.

Thank you for the update. On a slightly different note.... do you know if it's possible to add all images a user uploads to their own album?

For example, if UserOne uploads an image to a post then under their albums - or media - it will show there as well as in the original post. Not sure if that makes a lot of sense.
Playing around with this so far, I have to say overall this is a great add-on. I can't say excellent, because there is one huge mistake made, and that is the design using a left hand sidebar in responsive design.

Responsive design must be fluid, you CAN NOT be trying to move columns unnaturally in responsive design, because exactly what is happening with this add-on is the reason, being you end-up with right margin problems on mobiles. You have a left margin of 230px applied to mobile viewing just trying to get the content onto the screen... instead of everything moving naturally to the left, which is what responsive design is about. You're trying to strip a left column below right content. That isn't responsive design.

I have read people use the excuse that XF use a left column on the profile, however; that is a menu column which tucks up to become a top menu, thus the page actually naturally floats left as per responsive design implementation, thus there are no nasty right margin surprises. Responsive design is all about fluid order.

Because this add-on uses tabs and naturally they become a top navigation on mobile viewing, the sidebar needs to be on the right so it can naturally float under the main container.

Yes, you can hack this together to fix it, then more hacks to continue fixing it... which is everything responsive design IS NOT. This is like an ugly duckling compared to XF responsive layout.

The way this is done as per the above, is what's stopping this from being a truly excellent add-on, because it MUST be capable of correctly, and professionally, working responsively as per XF is now designed out of the box.

There are reasons why responsive designers work to certain rules... so they avoid the issues this is experiencing and then having to hack, hack, hack fix after fix. You float responsive naturally left, clearing everything right, thus zero viewing issues with sideways scroll on mobile devices. If it isn't needed on mobile viewing, yes, they place things left of main content and remove it entirely on mobile viewing, thus still eliminating the right margin issues.
Probably would've been better if you posted a fix.
.howitshouldbedone {
The fix is too big to post, as the layout needs to be changed so the sidebar reflects responsive positioning, which means changing most of the basic CSS. I don't believe Chris needs a fix from me for that, as he is quite competent in writing CSS. The mistake is the order, thus the CSS reflects that currently. The wrapper css would need a rewrite to be functionally responsive compatible, then every main template using it would need tweaks and their CSS primarily.

Even the resource manager... the sidebar is left positioned, and it comes first in the code, it isn't hacked into it after the code by trying to reposition it before the main container, that is why it works on the left side with the main container right. Responsive design must work to a natural order, otherwise you get issues with right margins.

Moving a left column to the bottom on mobile view is easy, just like the resource manager does, after the fact. Moving the left column into the left position, as the media add-on does, is a nightmare for all the reasons mentioned above already. Responsive design has a precise method for all these reasons. When you screw with the natural order of collapse, you have to hack, hack, hack, and even then, you will be hacking ongoing to constantly fix small border widths, padding or margins throwing out to the right on mobile viewing.

Oh... don't get me wrong, I also understand that this was written for 1.1.x, not 1.2 responsive... and that is the real reason the issue exists. My point is that this is responsive now, and as such, its needs to be done correctly. My users expect fairly high standards, professional features and feel, and if I can't give them things with mobile viewing issues, when most users are today viewing this stuff through their tablet or mobile, they don't like it.
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