Xen Media Gallery (Media Gallery for XenForo) [Paid] [Deleted]

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Set the Add Permissions of the category:


Note the description? If you set no usergroups there, it will become a container category and show media from all child categories.
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How do you set it so that videos can be played directly from the listing page instead of having to click into the item the way it is in the demo site?
Why?! it seems to work fine when it does work. So far it seems like it's just not working for one of my categories.
Actually, on second thought it might be better gone...mainly because it's slightly misleading (makes people think it can only be viewed in the listing page).

I also don't like how youtube videos show their title on the top in the list page and links the video in youtube. It's weird but the videos that can't be played from the listing page doesn't do that, their top title links to the media page in the xenmedia.
  1. A full page of videos loading increases page load times.
  2. The design of the service providers media players is at odds with the design of the gallery (it looks awful when a YouTube video has star ratings because the stars overlap the YouTube user interface).
  3. The embedded videos do not allow for a true responsive design which is essential.
So they're going. Well, actually, it's too late. They're already gone from XMG 1.3 and I'm not putting them back ;)

The benefits of removing them outweigh the benefits of keeping them.
Here's something quite small...

For an add-on developer, the Admin CP doesn't create a very user friendly experience for the end user. You often have global options, add-on specific pages, permissions etc. And I wanted to unify this into a much easier to navigate, one stop location:


Of course that isn't unique. This could be done... I could create links to:


Or whatever the correct links are.

The problem is effectively they're all on different Admin CP navigation tabs. So the minute you go to Options, you're no longer anywhere near any other Xen Media Gallery configuration because you're taken to the Home tab where the options are.

So... instead, those links are:


And they look like this:

Categories. Pretty standard:


Options page.

This is a huge difference. First, I've grouped all of the options into several tabs... Oops... one of those reveals a new feature... ;) Also, the page is essentially a separate Xen Media Gallery page in the Admin CP, so we remain in the same navigational tab:


Then, finally, permissions:

After choosing which usergroup you wish to edit, you get taken to a page that shows ONLY Xen Media Gallery permissions and conveniently splits them into User and Staff permissions into separate tabs:

I want to change the navigation order of "Media". Currently I have the following addon:

Nodes as Tabs

and my navigational bar order is: Home, Forum, Feedback, Media, Wiki, Members, Help.

How do I change this order to: Home, Forum, Media, Wiki, Feedback, Members, Help.

Also how do I change the dropdown contents for just Media? I've done this for Forum already but that was simple because in the "Navigation" template there was a section specific for "Forum" but for "Media", "Wiki" and "Feedback" they all seem to be using the <!-- extra tabs: middle --> code.
I just came up with a feature I'd be willing to pay for if you can add it to your next release.

Ability to promote any media into xenPorta along with it's current rating. Clicking on the article's title or "read more" would then link directly to the media post.
I want to change the navigation order of "Media". Currently I have the following addon:

Nodes as Tabs

and my navigational bar order is: Home, Forum, Feedback, Media, Wiki, Members, Help.

How do I change this order to: Home, Forum, Media, Wiki, Feedback, Members, Help.

Also how do I change the dropdown contents for just Media? I've done this for Forum already but that was simple because in the "Navigation" template there was a section specific for "Forum" but for "Media", "Wiki" and "Feedback" they all seem to be using the <!-- extra tabs: middle --> code.

Any idea how to implement the two above changes?
Sorry... I missed this.

It requires you to change the execution order of the navigation tabs code event listeners.

Generally speaking these are the steps:
  1. Enable Debug mode in your XenForo config.php file
  2. Log in to your Admin CP
  3. Go to the Development tab
  4. Click Code Event Listeners
  5. Scroll down until you find the add-on you wish to change, e.g. Xen Media Gallery
  6. Below that the Code Event Listeners are listed. Look for navigation_tabs, click on it.
  7. Change the Execution Order from its default of 10 to something lower, e.g. 5
  8. Disable Debug mode.
That should make the Media tab appear first. Follow the same instructions for the other add-ons. The other add-ons will need to have a higher execution order than Xen Media Gallery if you want the Media tab to appear first. As an alternative to lowering the execution order of the Media tab, you could just make the others higher than 10.
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