Upcoming: Upcoming: Find New Media (and Latest Comments)
A commonly requested feature is the ability for media items to appear in What's New.
In its current form, What's New is only geared up to show threads. This is as designed by XenForo. The signs are obvious. The title of the What's New page is actually "New Threads". The URL you are taken to is "find-new/threads" and if you've ever taken a look into the code it will be clear that What's New was only ever designed to show a single content type: threads.
Perhaps then, this is one reason why another commonly requested feature is the ability for threads to be created once media is added to the Gallery. If that were to happen then media item would appear in What's New.
So I have a little good news and a little bad news.
The bad news is, there are no immediate plans to have threads created when a new item of media is added.
The good news is... well... here:
Version 1.2.0 of Xen Media Gallery has extended the existing What's New screen to add an additional tab.
The "New Media" tab will function similarly to the existing What's New page. If you have not yet viewed a media item, or it has received a new comment, then the media item will appear under the New Media page.
The New Media page is accessible either from clicking on "What's New" followed by the "New Media" tab or by clicking the "New Media" tab that appears under the Media nav tab.
To further highlight any new comments that have been added, version 1.2.0 includes a new sidebar block:
(Just in case it's not clear, the avatar is the avatar of the comment poster. Their username is visible in a tooltip. The link in dark blue is the media title and a link to the media. The text in black is the actual comment that has been posted)
In the Admin CP you can specify the number of latest comments that are viewable and the length of the comment text that should be displayed. BB Code is stripped out from the comment text automatically.
I hope you will enjoy these new features