WysiBB - WYSIWYG editor for XenForo


New member

I am developer of WYSIWYG BBcode editor - WysiBB

May you give me the license for XenForo free? I want to create plugin "WysiBB for XenForo" and publish it.

If I had a license right now I could give you access to a dev. installation. There might be someone kind to do the same.. but I doubt you can get the licence for free. As a last resort you can try Contact Us form.
Email response from XenForo:

Vadim Dobroskok,

Jonathan Coleman replied to your XenForo ticket "WYSIWYG editor for XenForo":

Hi Vadim,

We have no current plans to extend our editors as we are happy with the current one we use and see little benefit in providing others.

As such we would be unable to provide you a development license.

Kind Regards


To respond and view the history of this ticket, use this page:
<ticket link removed>

The XenForo Team
Might wanna edit that link out, other people can view and post to your ticket. I'm not very surprised though. I don't have many big complaints about TinyMCE, I would expect that most that do are XF "power-users." If creating an addon for the community entitled you to a free license I bet many developers here would be quite upset.

Not to discourage any potential developers. Might wanna get in touch with Nasr if he's offering you a license.

Good luck.
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