Wordpress Speed Optimization


Well-known member
Sure this is a Xenforo forum, but I'm thinking among the group here there are several capable of optimizing the speed of Wordpress. This project would also entail optimizing the speed of my XenForo installation. Both currently use a CDN, but more needs to be done. I'm looking for experts who can produce tangible results using Google Webmasters as a measuring tool.
Sure this is a Xenforo forum, but I'm thinking among the group here there are several capable of optimizing the speed of Wordpress. This project would also entail optimizing the speed of my XenForo installation. Both currently use a CDN, but more needs to be done. I'm looking for experts who can produce tangible results using Google Webmasters as a measuring tool.
Just fyi: you can have pages that have a high page speed score that get obliterated by blitz.io. Are you looking for optimizations to improve your SEO or are you looking to get as much performance as possible?
D.O.A (here) is amazing at optimizing and tweaking WP templates.
Bambua is a good WP designer (he made XenDynamic).
Ask at Xenscripts.com to get more exposure to the XF / WP crowd.
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