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WordPress 3 Bridge

Anyone else finding this suddenly doesn't work after updating WordPress to 3.0.4?
Unfortunately I just started using this Plugin and I'm already on 3.0.4. As soon as I installed the plugin every post is throwing a 404. The mainsite and everything else works.
3.0.4 doesn't work for me. Updated the first post until the problem is found. Thank you

Think it's been a serious release blunder by WP as a number of addons aren't working with this version. Unfort doesn't appear to be anyway of reverting the upgrade either :(
The recent updates are minor updates (you can tell by lookin at the version number). But they are marked critical updates. Matt even sent out email to everybody to announce new version. That's a little bit strange...
The recent updates are minor updates (you can tell by lookin at the version number). But they are marked critical updates. Matt even sent out email to everybody to announce new version. That's a little bit strange...

Besides the christmas well wishing it was a pretty important announcent that needed to be seen, as every version of wordpress since version 2.0 carried the newly discovered exploit. I think it's a testament to them they get stuff fixed as soon as it's discovered and make sure we know about it. With the amount of people involved actually coding for wordpress, it's pretty awesome.
Any word on Wordpress 3.0.4 support ?

I've upgraded to 3.0.4 the moment is was available, my xenforo users (all 1600) of them are posting in wordpress, being logged on still, commenting etc. I just logged out of xenforo, was logged out of WP. Logged back into xenforo > wp logged in. No problems here, running beta 5 + 3.0.4

Files changed in 3.o.4
  • wp-includes/version.php
  • wp-includes/formatting.php
  • wp-includes/kses.php
  • readme.html
  • wp-admin/includes/update-core.php

The KSES library does HTML sanitization, like stripping crap out of RSS feeds. XSS exploit was discovered for it, and patched. dunno how that has broken things for you guys :confused:
I've upgraded to 3.0.4 the moment is was available, my xenforo users (all 1600) of them are posting in wordpress, being logged on still, commenting etc. I just logged out of xenforo, was logged out of WP. Logged back into xenforo > wp logged in. No problems here, running beta 5 + 3.0.4

Do you have a live site running 3.0.4 with this bridge installed? Thank you
I got your message, thank you

I'm getting new forum registrations posting on the mainpage daily so the connect is working 100%. It's added 1400 new wordpress users so far without fail, 200 before the add on was added were 'registered' also when they first touched the wp mainpage. :thumbsup:
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