Woot! Pricing and Release info :D


Well-known member

Oh yeah baby!
Possibly: population of the US ~300M, population of the UK ~60M.

Yeah it is a case of dealing with the wider customer base. In fact I prefer dealing in $ even though I am UK based as most my customers are also US based and I get paid in $.

I hope that xenForo doesn't do what **that other company** does where you can select GPB as a payment method and actually end up paying more than if you selected USD and let paypal convert it...
We would like customers to extend their licenses, obviously and recognise that they may wish to continue without accessing updates or support. In order that a balance is maintained, the license extension will extend the 'valid until' date by 12 months. Where a license has not been extended for 9 months or more, a reactivation fee (more than an extension and less than a new purchase) will be applied and the license will be extended by 12 months from that day.
Thanks for the clarification Ashley.

The reactivation fee is perfectly reasonable to me, otherwise I can see lots of people skipping every other year to save on the support fee.
As I said though, for the sake of $40, it would be churlish not to pay the annual fee.

To save on PayPal fees (and I am loathe to use it), I'd be more than happy to do a direct bank transfer, if that is something that will be offered.
now i am just worried about the 24 hour period. if i am not online during that time i would miss it. let's hope that duration is revealed early on so that i can schedule my purchase.

from the post, they have not exactly stated when it would go on sale. right?

Indeed, that are my worries, too :(
I hope i can be online the 24 hours where it is available :S 
It's a valid question though posted by Paul M. Seeing as both Mike and Kier, maybe even Ashley live in the UK. Meaning the XenForo company is UK based. So why deal in dollars ($) instead of pounds (£)?

I thought the same thing also as Paul, and there's nothing wrong asking the question?
The US currency is more widely known then the euro, which is why people tend to sell their product and service using the US currency. I myself tend not to buy from company who sell in other currency's.

I think you will find that more people will buy from a company who uses a more widely known currency.
As someone who runs a paypal account at my store, it can be a royal pain in the A@@, it is never easy regardless of which version you use but you're right about not needing an account to use it as a customer. All you have to do is have a valid credit card and paypal does the rest.

I deal with the paypal accounts for two of my current customer bases and also use paypal myself receiving all payments both from clients and from the odd mod store I have run from time to time (not running one ATM) and though it can be a pain I find that most the issues are customers.

As for paypal express and paypal pro, these make my life MUCH easier... ok they cost more (Especially pro) but are worth it as it makes for better integration with the site and a more streamlined checkout process for the customer.
I think USD just seems to be the web standard really.

Look at WHMCS & License Pal, both UK companies but deal in USD rather than GBP. Mind you personally I think the 'G' should be dropped, it's more BP to me these days.
Since no one else seems to have mentioned it so far.

I had much trouble buying vb through because 1 of my credit card companies does not allow purchases outside of the usa, and the other one needed to be notified of my desire to buy something outside of the usa before it was approved.

Just in case anyone has credit cards, does not buy things outside of their own country, and does not have a paypal account. You may want to call your credit card company and ask about it.
Why not if you don't mind me asking?

Some of their business ethics are very questionable, the fact that paypal accessed over £2,000 from my ex-husbands bank account when they had no right to do so kind of put me in a state of distrust, I know such cases are fairly rare, but £2,000 is a very large amount of money and it took Jon over 3 months to get the money back.
I think the main question is: What purchasing options will be available from the first release of XenForo?
If Paypal is the only option, quite a few people who don't wish to associate with Paypal will miss the early adopter's sale.
There is a vBulletin 3.7/3.8 importer. Support for other versions and other software is likely to appear in the future, but that would be demand driven.
Yes! :)

That means I can convert my 3.8 site over as soon as I get my hands on it, it's only a tiny site so I don't mind testing the beta on it and I doubt our users will too.

Add an IPB3 converter (though I'm not desperate for that one till there is a cms/article system) and a Social Engine converter and it'll be big :D 's all round.
I've only ever had 1 problem with PayPal, well it wasn't even a problem as such it just confused the hell out of me and looked like a problem at first sight.

I bought a couple of things on t'ebay from 2 sellers, a pc game and a record - When I went to PayPal to pay for said items, I choose to pay by debit card like always and thought nothing of it. In my PayPal account it stated payment to x for y from debit card & payment from y to x from debit card.

A few days later whilst checking my bank statement, I had a direct debit payment to PayPal, not knowing what it is I checked back in PayPal to see and there was nothing there, I was about to contact them when the amount of the direct debit looked familiar so I checked again and they'd taken on payment from my card and the other by direct debit.

I didn't get charged twice but my bank says, and it clearly was, a direct debit payment and a debit card payment. PayPal however still insists that they were both debit card.
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