Woot! Pricing and Release info :D


Well-known member

Oh yeah baby!
I think it's only fair to the people who paid the renewal fee every year, for several years, on time. If those who leap in five years later because they suddenly need an upgrade or tech support only have to pay the normal renewal fee, it makes suckers out of the rest of us. And is it ever a good idea to make suckers out of your regular paying customers suckers in order to appeal to the fly-by-night, randomly-renewing slackers?
Nobody is made a sucker either way.
You are paying 40 bucks a month and getting value for that 40 bucks.
The people not paying 40 bucks are not getting any value from that.
I dont think im being ripped off if i pay 40 dollars each year to renew and someone else can go 5 years without renewing and still pay 40 bucks to renew.
Those people did not have the benefit of getting updates to their software, they also most likely arent even using the sofware to begin with because using it without upgrades is no fun.

Im fine either way, i just dont think that folks who dont download any upgrades for a series of years should be forced to then buy a whole new license just because they now want to upgrade.

Buying XEN should be the investment you make, future upgrades should be just that, upgrades... and should be priced accordingly, no matter how many years have passed.
Not that i care too much about this for me, but for others it may be a huge issue, im guessing people from developing countries.
Mike & Kier have categorically stated that isn't the case.
Of course they have.
Not that i dont believe them, but if it was the case... what would you expect them to say?
They would say the same thing.

Either way, its still their work imo. And if the parent company wanted them to take things in a different way and they decided to save their work for themselves that IB didnt want... i see nothing wrong with that.

But im leaning towards the "they have a sweatshop of Indian coders working nonstop" explanation instead :D
Nobody is made a sucker either way.
You are paying 40 bucks a month and getting value for that 40 bucks.
The people not paying 40 bucks are not getting any value from that.

I agree, as I said before, I am in both camps with my current software, having supported several license and ALL the add ons the microsecond the renewals come around, I don't even feel slightly moochy in letting one of my licenses lapse for a period of a couple of years.

I have had a total of 5 tickets in the last 3 years, and have paid a lot in annual renewals for all the products I own, I have never once used Phone support.

Conversely they have people raising tickets daily, or when they had phone support calling multiple times in a day for support... I don't feel ripped off that my modest support account is in effect covering those who need massive amounts of support... why should the reverse apply.
I dont think im being ripped off if i pay 40 dollars each year to renew and someone else can go 5 years without renewing and still pay 40 bucks to renew.
Those people did not have the benefit of getting updates to their software, they also most likely arent even using the sofware to begin with because using it without upgrades is no fun.

If I pay $40 annually without knowing whether I'll need or want to upgrade, or need tech support, and in five years that adds up to $200 -- and someone else waits until they actually need/want to upgrade or need tech support and they pay $40 - then they saved themselves a nice chunk of money by not being stupid enough to pay the annual fee.

I assume there is some kind of a benefit to XenForo if people are renewing their annual fees each year rather than sporadically, and if that's true, then I think the system they outlined is more than fair. You pay a little more to renew if you've been sitting it out a few years.
9 months is a pretty fair grace period. XF should have a major feature upgrade in that time period. and that should be a good reason enough to pay the renewal and download the latest update.

i personally do not like paying immediately for a renewal. i would wait for a new version release and add some additional weeks/months to my license. i do not think i am being evil in doing so.
They don't have to buy a new license.

They just pay a reactivation fee.

Thanks, i missed that post. Should be edited into the main announcement.
And if it is already, then oops again :D
I could see how that can work pretty well. Some are already getting the reactivation and upgrade fees, how bout just making them completely separate items to purchase.

XenForo = $140
Yearly Renewal = $40
License Reactivation = $20

So anyone who has gone a few years without renewal will not be able to renew until he first reactivates his license. His total would come to $60.
What about security updates?
Surely those will not need any sort of renewal or activation fee's for the life of the software, right?
Product upgrades, support... sure, but security updates should not require a fee.

Also any word on vB4 migration tools?
I might have missed that post.
they have not decided upon the price (or at least revealed it). 20 dollars (fine!) would be nice. though i expect it to be a bit higher (i am a pessimist!).

about vb4 converter. the official word is. it's not developed. they are still considering it. and it might be released. but no confirmations. vb3 converter is confirmed.

kier suggested using a third party service that cost USD 30 i believe to convert your forum database from vb4 to vb3. and then migrate!
You pay a little more to renew if you've been sitting it out a few years.

Well actually that part is still pretty vague... "less than a new license, but more than renewal" could be anything from $41 - 139 - I know that is a little facetious but we don't know if it will be a little more or a fair whack more :)

It won't actually affect me, as I will renew promptly, I just don't like the implication that people who let their renewals slide are doing so because they are moochers off those who renew promptly.. there are many valid reasons not to upgrade immediately, and someone who constantly draws on support resources but renews within 8 months and 29 days is using more resources than someone who lets their license slide for a year because they genuinely don't need support or want upgrades in that period.

But it is not a deal breaker or anything, I just don't like what it implies.

Far better would be an incentive to renew promptly, like a 5% discount on renewals within x period.
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