You may wish to insert new lines after the paragraphs. I have had trouble using new lines in the actual replacement. I have had to use temporary values and then run a replacement query to insert new lines:
Quick Find: </p>
Regular Expression: #<p>(.*)</p>#siU
Replacement String: \1a.b.c.d.c.b.a
Then run this query on your database to replace the temporary string with a new line:
UPDATE xf_post
SET message = REPLACE(message, 'a.b.c.d.c.b.a', '\n');
That first wut.png file is showing the error in the users signature. Kier's add-on is only doing replacement of the text inside the actual posted message, not the signature.
That first wut.png file is showing the error in the users signature. Kier's add-on is only doing replacement of the text inside the actual posted message, not the signature.