Will XenForo 1.2 be compatible with MySQL 5.6 and PHP 5.5?

I'm only aware of one known issue outstanding with PHP5.4+ and XenForo 1.1.x so I'd say not much needs to be done.
Several addons and resources do not work with PHP 5.4 as well. But, over the past month or two many have been updated to add that support.
The server admin did complile it but there was a warning that i need to upgrade the server's php version to 5.4 be able to run mysqli!
No, your admin just needs to compile PHP with MySQLi. You don't need 5.4 for that. It works on 5.2 just fine.
Well obviously he'd use 5.3 or 5.4 if possible, just saying that it works fine on 5.2 as well.
FWIW, I've just had a quick play with 1.1.4 on PHP 5.5 and haven't experienced any issues. We don't use preg_replace with the e modifier, which is one of the deprecated changes, and we've never used any of the other things that are now deprecated. (Plus 1.1.4 will not show strict/deprecation errors unless you're in debug mode, to reduce showing potential minor warnings to end users.)
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