Will there be another discount soon?

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Couldn't buy during the 24 hour sale, had to wait until Payday (tomorrow) before funds were available. Really hate that I missed it, but no choice, I'm on an extremely tight budget.

Will there be any future discounts or 24 hour sales in the near future? I'd love to get my hands on a license and start checking it out.
Oh i know the product itself stinks.. was not trying to suggest otherwise. This is superior.. My thing is about those making it out to be more then need be and developers taking it as a sign that they can ignore everyone else and jack prices or put out a crappy product.. Yes people even developers tend to get caught up in such stuff.
Thus hopefully that wont happen here.
I don't think it will. It didn't happen at Jelsoft prior to IB that I am aware of.
I don't think it will. It didn't happen at Jelsoft prior to IB that I am aware of.

meh... I was never a fan of that software even before they took over and nailed the final nail in the coffin. This product is nothing like it at all in current or past form and thus better. or so i think anyways. I think this is new and refreshing which vb has not been.
To answer your question, IPB has offered discounts on their products roughly 6 times in the last 12 months. My memory may be a little fuzzy. But in May, July and August they had various discounts right off the top of my head and I belive there are at least 3 other instances when they offered various types of discounts in the 6 months prior to that.

Interesting - every time i have looked at their product, what with all the add-ones, bells and whistles, it worked out around the same price as vB.

To be honest i picked up an "early user" licence, however in hindsite wish i'd have picked up a second (i'm non-commercial and hobby based here) at the cheaper price. However give it a few months and i may be able to strech to a full price one if all goes well!!

Talk with Ashley and see if he will make any exceptions.


Other than that, I probably would not expect any promotions any time soon. But one has to admit, this is worth far more than the $140.00 price tag Kier, Mike and Ashley are charging.

Well, I don't know if I would go that far... From what I've seen so far, there needs to be more features and mods available before it really meets the current price... Don't take me wrong, it is some of Kier and Mike's better work, but the market just isn't there, yet. There are too many free boards around, and price is one of the big things that lost vB's customers... That, and the fact that vB is now owned by a corp. that is owned by the Illuminati... JMO, but $100 is a fair starting price once established and without litigation going on, and the litigation that is going on with vB is going to worry a lot of possible customers, including me... I would hope that they would consider keeping the price of $100 until after the litigation is over and a decision is made on the outcome... Besides that, like my grandma used to say, you can catch more flies with honey, than vinegar... lol

My sites depend on the ability to embed video code in them, but this doesn't have that...

Good luck Kier and Mike and Ashley... You have my strong support in your venture! I just can't afford the $140 at the moment... Not for just a forum... My social security just won't allow it... :) Thanks to Obama, who isn't even a legal citizen!

Hope you include the ability to add video code soon! A friend of mine bought a license, so I'm able to see all the features so far...
You can embed media:

To view this content we will need your consent to set third party cookies.
For more detailed information, see our cookies page.

Ok, your example shows using <object> in the beginning, however, our site using XenForo doesn't allow our video format or something... here is an example of the code we use, and it's from one of our video sites...

<embed src="http://www.freedomtoamerica.com/player.swf" width="720" height="360" bgcolor="FFFFFF" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="false" flashvars="flvsource=http://www.freedomtoamerica.com/upl...olume_bar_color=0xBBBBBB&aspect_ratio=stretch"></embed>

I realize this isn't the support forum, but I would like to know if this format for our video's can be used with XenForo, or what we have to do to make it work... If you would like to PM me instead, that will work too... The Site we're using is www.wehostithere.net but it's for testing purposes... we haven't decided on what site we're going to use it on yet... If you need, and if you PM me, I'll try to help you in... I am Super Admin there, and my partner is also the owner of the license...

Any help is appreciated :)
I'm not sure that's correct.

All of the major forum software comapnies and their users are well aware of XenForo.
Even those who currently use free software (phpBB) like myself.

It may be known by some people who are using other forum softwares, but the bulk of the people who are aware of xenforo come from the vbulletin community.

Having an incentive for the not so early adopters could have been a good idea.
I would have thought a general mailout to all registered members advising of this sale would have been the least that the owners of the software could have done. Like others I had no idea it was coming out, as I work on my own site fully just myself, and have a family, one daughter doing her Higher School certificate (Leaving school life), her formal etc, then my time was determine by that, not by the release of a beta version.

Charging others for a Beta release, just smacks of the same thing that Vbulletin did with version 4 and that left a sour taste in many site owners mouths when that happened, all I see is similar happening here making a grab for money. You could just have released a Beta Version with a time limit built into it that turn it off after a certain period of time, as it can't be used for production sites, then generally it is only there for testing and passing on bug reports from a community based environment. No wonder there is litigation going, it smacks of VB all over again. As people who are connected with this software worked for VB in the past, then there is propriatory information that they would be privy too, that they might have used in creating this software, again no wonder there is litigation going on.

I don't think anyone has learned from the past with VB, just doing the same thing again.

Just my 2 cents worth.

I guess it depends on how much they made.

It's possible they made enough, that they don't want to lose out extra profit from having another promo.

Personally, I can't see how XF won't have another promo. I'm sure at some point it will.. maybe when GOLD comes out.
I would have thought a general mailout to all registered members advising of this sale would have been the least that the owners of the software could have done. Like others I had no idea it was coming out, as I work on my own site fully just myself, and have a family, one daughter doing her Higher School certificate (Leaving school life), her formal etc, then my time was determine by that, not by the release of a beta version.

Charging others for a Beta release, just smacks of the same thing that Vbulletin did with version 4 and that left a sour taste in many site owners mouths when that happened, all I see is similar happening here making a grab for money. You could just have released a Beta Version with a time limit built into it that turn it off after a certain period of time, as it can't be used for production sites, then generally it is only there for testing and passing on bug reports from a community based environment. No wonder there is litigation going, it smacks of VB all over again. As people who are connected with this software worked for VB in the past, then there is propriatory information that they would be privy too, that they might have used in creating this software, again no wonder there is litigation going on.

I don't think anyone has learned from the past with VB, just doing the same thing again.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Yes, when I got discounted $40 for each of my three licenses and was told my 12 month renewal fee would only start ticking away when XF went gold I certainly thought to myself... "What a con." :rolleyes:

Really this is silly, this is nothing like the VB4 release. VB4 was more expensive and was broken on GOLD release. This works very well at BETA release and was much less expensive.

Those of us who kept checking the site for updates knew there was a release upcoming because we were told well in advance. I can see how you would be disappointed but you need to shoulder some of the blame for not keeping yourself informed about the discounted release. If anything, the XF team have been very good with their promises with the release of their software, and especially with the threat of legal action looming right before.
I would have thought a general mailout to all registered members advising of this sale would have been the least that the owners of the software could have done.
I agree with you that there should have been an e-mail announcement. This is huge news and something that should be broadcast. I guess in the middle of being sued it was missed.

Charging others for a Beta release, just smacks of the same thing that Vbulletin did with version 4 and that left a sour taste in many site owners mouths when that happened, all I see is similar happening here making a grab for money. No wonder there is litigation going, it smacks of VB all over again. As people who are connected with this software worked for VB in the past, then there is propriatory information that they would be privy too, that they might have used in creating this software, again no wonder there is litigation going on.
This is a cheap shot and I find your post both incendiary and factually questionable. Let's look at the facts.

XenForo Release
  • 2 month preview of the software live at XenForo.com
  • Alpha testers openly sharing that the software "works well" and is "easy to customize".
  • No pre-sale. You buy it and 60 seconds later you can download it and run it on your site.
  • Bugs reported are fairly minor and are mostly related to installation and server configuration.
  • Styling system is publicly documented in several videos demonstrating how easy it is to customize.
  • Plugins and other features of the software demonstrated in instructional videos.
  • Works on all major browsers from Internet Explorer 6, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, iPhone, and Opera
  • $40 differential between discounted version and full price version.
vBulletin Release
  • Alpha testers were under strict NDA not to discuss the myriad of serious problems within the software including the style and compatibility.
  • Bugs reported are moderate to severe and include numerous site-breaking design flaws.
  • Severe problems with the StyleVars and styling system kept a secret until date of release. No feature comparison between vBulletin 3.8 and 4.0 has ever been released.
  • Completely unusable in Internet Explorer 6, with major problems in Safari, Chrome, Opera, and on the iPhone.
  • Requested to pay two months in advance (Pre-sale ends last week of October, vBulletin 4 becomes available December 23, 2009)
  • $120 differential between pre-sale price and official release price.
I don't think anyone has learned from the past with VB, just doing the same thing again.
I think Kier, Mike, and Ashley learned a lot from the release of vBulletin 4. Discounts are not unusual in the software world and I'm sorry you missed it, but inventing arguments doesn't help your case.
You're exactly right. I mean, why would they get a discount when they haven't been following the product on an every day basis. There's no reason the typical customer should be able to get a discount. It's a reward for the hardcore fans. Casual customers whom might be interested in the software but are unwilling to commit shouldn't be rewarded. The more people we can exclude from purchasing at a discount the better.

Its that sort of fanboy arrogance that will turn people off Xenforo joke or not and I hope the mods here stamp it out and keep it professional.
I like many others are on the fence and tipping toward Xenforo and I'm sure a lot of people don't give a crap about childish inter forum politics, all we want is software that WORKS!, software that's easy to use, easy to navigate and most of all bug free.
I've spent all my free time trying to make VB4 "functional" for my members ever since I decided to downgrade from VB3.8 a few weeks back and I've regretted it ever since. If it wasn't for one of my members pointing Xenforo out to me I wouldn't have known it existed.

I personally don't care about paying an extra $40 all I want is an easy transition from VB4 to Xenforo if I choose to go down that path.
From what I've seen Xenforo looks fantastic but is still missing a lot of features my site needs that VB has BUT I will defiantly buy a licence for Xenforo and hold on to it just in case.
Its that sort of fanboy arrogance that will turn people off Xenforo joke or not and I hope the mods here stamp it out and keep it professional.
I like many others are on the fence and tipping toward Xenforo and I'm sure a lot of people don't give a crap about childish inter forum politics, all we want is software that WORKS!, software that's easy to use, easy to navigate and most of all bug free.
I've spent all my free time trying to make VB4 "functional" for my members ever since I decided to downgrade from VB3.8 a few weeks back and I've regretted it ever since. If it wasn't for one of my members pointing Xenforo out to me I wouldn't have known it existed.

I personally don't care about paying an extra $40 all I want is an easy transaction from VB4 to Xenforo if I choose to go down that path.
From what I've seen Xenforo looks fantastic but is still missing a lot of features my site needs that VB has BUT I will defiantly buy a licence for Xenforo and hold on to it just in case.

Just out of curiosity, what features are missing in xenForo?
  • Alpha testers were under strict NDA not to discuss the myriad of serious problems within the software including the style and compatibility.
  • Bugs reported are moderate to severe and include numerous site-breaking design flaws.
  • Severe problems with the StyleVars and styling system kept a secret until date of release. No feature comparison between vBulletin 3.8 and 4.0 has ever been released.
  • Completely unusable in Internet Explorer 6, with major problems in Safari, Chrome, Opera, and on the iPhone.
  • Requested to pay two months in advance (Pre-sale ends last week of October, vBulletin 4 becomes available December 23, 2009)
  • $120 differential between pre-sale price and official release price.
A couple of things here that ive picked up on.

1. Alpha testers signed an NDA not to discuss it - period. There was no specific stipulation about style, compatibility or problems.
2. Im not really sure what relevance a lack of specific feature comparison is, or why its so important you needed to bold it ?
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