Wiki on forum

If you want a wiki and not just collaborative editing of very basic articles I guess there's no way around a real wiki like MediaWiki.

Yup, you're not going to see a knowledge management system like SMW or even Cargo with a forum-based wiki. And MediaWiki will be maintained as long as we live.
Any new advice in this regard? We are looking for a wiki eventually. Looking like VaultWiki is still the best bet/only supported?
Any new advice in this regard? We are looking for a wiki eventually. Looking like VaultWiki is still the best bet/only supported?
Vault Wiki is supported, but every time I have used it there have been site/workflow breaking bugs that makes it unusable for a productive wiki.

@Mike C / @ThemeHouse had a MediaWiki bridge, but it is no longer available.

Jaxel has his lite wiki, but it is very very very limited.

I temporarily settled on Showcase (from @Bob) with a lot of heavy modification and planning, but my pages are more about presentational data and information than just pure text or anything else.

I'm thinking of implementing some kind of a wiki system on one of my forums. I really like the idea of collaboration.

I'm aware of some 3rd-party add-ons (or maybe I missed some) that implement a wiki or some sort of it to XenForo, but not sure if I'll rely on a 3rd-party add-on for such an important part of the forum. Ideally, XenForo Resource Manager could be extended for collaboration as a wiki system. Now you can add team members, but that is not the same.

Another idea is to add some other wiki (i.e. MediaWiki) on a subdomain, but we all know there's a problem because users will need to register again, maintain another platform, etc.

Just wondering what you use for a wiki (if you use it). We already have a Resource Manager, but need something for the collaboration part to create some kind of knowledge base with help of forum members.

Thank you for your inputs.
Another way to solve this is if we can get XF to support some standard protocol that SSO providers use. Then you can use your auth/SSO database for XF and whatever other wiki you want to use. That gives more freedom and robustness. We just need to get a reply from any XF dev here:
If you need a serious wiki, then Mediawiki is the way. Themehouse has a great bridge they sell privately, but it's not cheap and you'll need to do much of your own css.
I'm always thinking that if it's not an official add-on, you might risk too much if you rely heavily on it, especially with those integration add-ons. In that case, I would still rather go with separate sing-ins. It's not convenient, but workable.

Just think if such an add-on were to become unmaintainable. You could be left with a broken forum.
I have XF 2.2 auth working with Mediawiki 1.35 with the following:

The XenForoAuth extension has not supported for a while so a bit risky for the future but currently works.
The basic XenForo login auth is still working with the latest MediaWiki release. MediaWiki has its own community and a lot of supported add-ons so I'm pleased with the basic integration.
Wikipost allows collaboration.

Basically the first post is a wiki entry and users can have permissions to edit and change the first post.

It also has integration with xenforo search
There are two nice add-ons to use the first post of a thread that can be edited by specific users.

Both add-ons need new tables and/or table_fields.

My need is different, so I created a new add-on. I will publish it in the next hours, I think.
The add-on is finished and in use, but I still have to add some smaller things ... maybe tonight.

I have added the function "Watch" to the product manager, but i have never tested it.
You may want to test it?

I tried pain, main and vain, and it works on the English page.
What can I do to recreate your error-message, please?
The wrong phrase, I can't see; I see

Log In | Register.

The problem in the first picture is the validation for an URL-field of Xenforo. (=> custom fields, text field, validate as Url-field)
Try https://... instead or let the fields empty. But I should add https:// to the explain_phrase.

Picture 2 and 3 have no value inside the form? If you send it empty, you get an error.

I also don't have email, password, authentication ... it seems that the phrases are not used here.
Sorry, I don't have any idea what there should be wrong.

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