XF 2.2 Why showing options for "receive_admin_email" twice times?


Well-known member
Why we have options for "receive_admin_email" and others twice times?
On the motto "just show it often, then people will find it"?

I had someone bring thing this up with me a couple of weeks ago and they asked me to remove the duplicates.

We ended up I think editing account details, preferences and privacy to shuffle things around, then made a completely new account page called 'Edit Profile', just for editing all the user public user data such as avatar, username, custom title, cover photo, about and all public custom fields that appear on profiles.
I have thought about something like this also.
But to have less hedaches i setup for myself:

acount details = everything about me
preferences = options to use the forum
privacy = privacy

So i just have to delete the email-stuff from account details and i should be happy.
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