Why have the posters name in the post?

Paul B

XenForo moderator
Staff member
Considering XF is becoming known for its lack of bloat and unnecessary elements, why is the post author's name in the body of the post itself in the bottom left hand corner?

It just seems superfluous to me as the author's name is just on the left under the avatar.

I suppose on really long posts it may help to remind you who the author was if you've got a poor memory ;)
Is there something you don't think of? :eek:

This was exactly what I thought when I read Mike's explanation of browsing XF on the iPhone. The thought that has been put into this UI is just amazing
. I am passionate about good user interfaces and it's clear isn't it, that XenForo is more then good in this o-so-important area. In fact, it's almost excellent.
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