Why don't XenForo provide the feature of reputation system?


The members of my forum have been used to use the reputation system. Who can tell me what is the reason that XenForo give away this feature? Thanks!
All of the forum platforms are different with this feature. Xenforo uses a positive-only likes system. There is an add on however where you can define all your own reputations, positive, neutral or negative if that's what you want to do.
The members of my forum have been used to use the reputation system. Who can tell me what is the reason that XenForo give away this feature? Thanks!

If you used MyBB before, no idea? I know what your talking about. You visit the members rep page and it showed a reason (text) why rep was given from each person, they are asked to enter text when giving either + or - rep.

If I visit my LIKES Page via profile here, it shows a section (quote) of text "taken from the post", not text a person has written themselves saying why they LIKED it. Really it would be better when a person likes a post, a box pops-up asking them to input why (required to give like). Then that text gets displayed with all your likes in profile.

http://xenforo.com/community/threads/bd-reputation-system.15046/ hasn't been updated for a while, but if you need a reputation add on, that might suit you. :)
Reputation is very different from Likes and Trophies. Try http://xenforo.com/community/threads/bd-reputation-system.15046/

This add-on should be familiar with people coming from the other forum software and used its reputation system. It's running stable for now so I haven't updated it in a while (not that it was abandoned). Just FYI :)
The members of my forum have been used to use the reputation system. Who can tell me what is the reason that XenForo give away this feature? Thanks!
The reputation system is outmoded and has a lot of limitations. I don't think it really helps build a community that supports positive posting as well as the Likes system. Fortunately, there are plugins as mentioned above.
This add-on should be familiar with people coming from the other forum software and used its reputation system. It's running stable for now so I haven't updated it in a while (not that it was abandoned). Just FYI :)
I would like to change the number/points values into green bars just like vbulletin, How?
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