Who Replied

Who Replied 2.3.0

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I ask again to be on the safe side. Rebuild Search Index should be clear. Rebuild thread information can then only be rebuild threads !? Should is click "Rebuild position and post counters", too?


What should I set for "Rebuild Search Index"? And how long will it take to rebuild these two indexes? Should I take the forum offline for this?
For Rebuild threads, you should tick the "rebuild position and post counters". Leaving search for the default value will be fine.

In both cases you should be able to run it without taking the forum offline, it will just take a little while.
Thread rebuild worked fine. With Rebuild Cache, after about 2.7 million posts, I only have a white screen and nothing happens. Overall, both rebuilds took a long time together. Almost 90 minutes to the white screen. The display of the postings of the individual members under "WhoReplied" is still incorrect or is not displayed at all. Should I restart and perform the rebuild cache again?
Note: I reloaded the white page, then the rebuild cache process suddenly continued and was completed. Now everything seems to be working as far as I can tell. :)
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How can I access the variables of "who replied" from the post or thread templates? I'd like to show a list of users who replied in the thread_view. Thanks!
The file check is throwing an error on js/sv/vendor/domurl/url.min.js even on a new install of this addon (with overwriting files).

Thanks for much for this add-on. I've just moved a big board over from c20 years on vBulletin and this replicates some vB4 functionality that some users asked for.

I'm obviously very new to Xenforo, so I may have done something stupid/wrong. I've installed the add-on along with Standard Library and it's working perfectly...

...until I look in my admin panel and it seems a server error is being thrown, very possibly every time this is called:

ErrorException: Template error: [E_USER_WARNING] Method canViewWhoReplied is not callable on the given object (XF\Entity\Thread) src/XF/Template/Templater.php:1186​
Generated by: Unknown account​
Oct 19, 2022 at 11:30 PM​
It's no major drama, other than my server error log getting quite bloated which may mean I miss something that I should be concerned about.

Any pointers on where I've gone wrong please?
Do not use the web-installer if the site is in development mode. It breaks like that.
Thanks for getting back to me!

The migration from vB to Xenforo was handled by one of the well-known chaps here. I didn't know about Development mode, but having looked it up and checked my config.php, my site doesn't seem to be in it.
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